
His mother-in-law insisted he cook only with what she gave him, so he put rancid lard in his lunch and then went out to eat alone » TwistedSifter

His mother-in-law insisted he cook only with what she gave him, so he put rancid lard in his lunch and then went out to eat alone » TwistedSifter

His mother-in-law insisted he cook only with what she gave him, so he put rancid lard in his lunch and then went out to eat alone » TwistedSifterHis mother-in-law insisted he cook only with what she gave him, so he put rancid lard in his lunch and then went out to eat alone » TwistedSifter

Sometimes staying with relatives can test your patience, especially when your host starts to make things more difficult than they need to be.

What would you do if you offered to cook dinner, but your host insisted on doing everything exactly right? And to top it all off, asked you to use an ingredient that was clearly past its expiry date?

This guy is in exactly that predicament – ​​read on to see how he reacted.

Me (26M) and my fiancée (28F) are staying with my mother-in-law (57F) for a few weeks.

Needless to say, after a few days of being on top form, she started to make our stay here quite miserable. She is always complaining, always angry and criticizing everything we do.

The other day we felt like cooking him a nice meal (our hobby is cooking).

She had already eaten this dish that we had prepared once, when she came to visit us and she loved it. We had prepared exactly the same dish and she started complaining that it tasted weird and that she would do better to order her own dish.

Anyway, since she got the idea that she was too busy to cook, we should prepare the next meal, but only in the way she asks us to.

I started cooking, and she gave very strict orders, micromanaging everything (she clearly had time for that).

Be careful what you ask for.

The funny thing is, she said, “That’s how you make a real meal,” but trust me, what she put in it, I’ve never heard anyone cook it like that.

At one point she gave me a jar of pork lard and told me I should put it in the dish to add more fatty flavor.

When I opened the jar, a very rancid smell invaded me. I realized that the lard was expired, but I decided to keep it and put it in the meal.

Orders are orders.

Once the meal was ready, I quickly mentioned it to my fiancée (who knew about it and thought it was a great revenge), and we went to a restaurant for lunch.

Ah, the feeling of satisfaction.

When we came back, my mother-in-law was furious and said her meal was inedible. What did I put in it?

I said exactly what she asked me; she was there to testify.

I took a spoonful and it was absolutely disgusting.

Then I used a reverse Uno card and started complaining about the meal she told me to make, that it tasted weird and that I knew how to cook better meals.

Her face said it all. I hope she doesn’t complain about our cooking anymore.

Wow! I wouldn’t want to eat that dinner!

Let’s see what the people of Reddit have to say about this situation.

Some people don’t take comments about their cooking lightly.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Now here’s how to handle it!

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person had a similar experience and raises an excellent point.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This is also excellent advice: it’s his house.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

She definitely crossed the line.

And she paid for it!

If you liked this article, check out this article about a rude customer who got exactly what he wanted on his pizza.