
The GenAI Handbook: A Guide for Training and Development Innovators (eBook Launch)

The GenAI Handbook: A Guide for Training and Development Innovators (eBook Launch)

Your guide to using AI responsibly in training and development

AI can help companies streamline certain business processes and dig deeper into their data, but how can you use it as a learning tool? This GenAI playbook covers all the essentials, including real-world examples of winning AI-powered training solutions.

eBook Launch: The GenAI Playbook: The L&D Innovator’s Guide to Cutting-Edge Learning Transformation

E-book Release

The GenAI Playbook: A Guide for Training and Development Innovators to Leading-Edge Learning Transformation

Learn how to leverage GenAI to transform your learning portfolio and prepare your workforce for the AI-powered future of work.

Addressing AI-related fears

While many organizations love the idea of ​​using AI, there are still some concerns about its adoption. One of them is that it could replace L&D professionals. However, this eBook explains how to use AI responsibly and ethically, from enriching learning solutions to creating GenAI training programs. You’ll learn how to combine the talents of your L&D department with modern technology to create even more personalized employee development initiatives.

What’s in the GenAI Manual?

What are the essential elements of a successful GenAI learning strategy? How can this technology help you in producing training and development content? Here’s a look at what you’ll find in this ultimate guide from SweetRush:

  • Before building: Take a closer look at what you need to consider before developing your GenAI strategy.
  • Refine, rationalize, form, repeat: Discover three ways you and your team can leverage GenAI to engage learners and upskill your team.
  • The GenAI lookbook: Get inspired by GenAI coaching solutions, optimized content development workflows, and personalized enterprise AI training.
  • What’s in store for GenAI: Discover expert perspectives, insights, and predictions on the future of AI in learning.
  • Investigation into the possibilities: Learn how the right partner can help you analyze your learning landscape and broader business strategy.

Get your copy

Download the GenAI Playbook: The L&D Innovator’s Guide to Leading-Edge Learning Transformation today to learn how a consultative approach can help you build a tailored GenAI learning strategy and empower your people.