
Using your phone behind the wheel could land you with a fine, penalty points or a ban. Here’s how to stay legal.

Using your phone behind the wheel could land you with a fine, penalty points or a ban. Here’s how to stay legal.

BLUETOOTH technology allows motorists to connect their devices to their car without the wires.

It means we can link our Spotify, make phone calls and synchronize our sat-nav from our phones to our dashboards – but is it legal, or are headsets to be avoided like headphones?

Holding your phone could land you in trouble, even if you're stuck in traffic


Holding your phone could land you in trouble, even if you’re stuck in trafficCredit: Getty

It can be confusing to know what’s legal and what’s not when using Bluetooth in a car.

And the penalties for getting it wrong can be harsh, with fines and penalty points for those who fall foul of the law.

We explain the legalities of everything you need to know as a driver using wireless technology.

Is talking on Bluetooth while driving illegal?

It is not illegal to have a phone call while driving unless doing so is unsafe.

You can have a conversation with somebody over the phone provided you do not hold or touch the phone, and that the conversation is hands-free.

A Bluetooth connection between your phone and your car, which plays the conversation through the car’s speakers, makes the conversation safer.

As does a Bluetooth connection between your phone and a headset.

But if by doing so you are distracted, or police think you are not in control of the vehicle, you could still be breaking the law.

It is normally legal to integrate your phone’s navigation apps, such as Google Maps or Waze, with your car’s infotainment system, provided you can use it hands-free.

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Do I need hands-free access when using my phone in the car?

You can only use your phone hands-free while driving. It’s against the law to hold a mobile phone while driving.

You could be given a fine or penalty points if you hold your phone for any reason, including making phone calls, using Google Maps, checking an app or sending a text message.

These rules apply even if the car is stopped, such as at traffic lights or in heavy traffic, or even in the queue for a drive-through.

You can only hold your phone when the car is properly and safely parked.

If you are found to be using your phone at the wheel, you could face six penalty points – enough to disqualify new drivers – as well as hefty fines.

And anyone involved in an accident while on the phone faces harsh penalties too.

Driving using hands free is legal if used correctly


Driving using hands free is legal if used correctlyCredit: Getty – Contributor

Can I use a Bluetooth headset?

You can use a Bluetooth hands-free headset to make and receive phone calls, providing you do not need to use your phone to do so.

The device must not block your view or be distracting.

You must stay in control of your vehicle, and police can stop and fine you if they think that you are not.

When can I use my mobile phone without Bluetooth or hands-free?

It is almost always illegal to use your phone while driving.

The only time you can hold your phone to your ear while driving is in an emergency when you need to dial 999 or 112, and when pulling over to do so would be impractical or unsafe.

What are the penalties for using a phone while driving?

If you get caught using a mobile phone while driving, you could get six penalty points and a £200 fine.

If police think you are driving unsafely they can fine you £100, give you three penalty points or refer you to a driver education course.

If a police officer thinks a driver is distracted, they can prosecute them for driving without due care and attention under the Road Traffic Act 1988.

Penalties can include, a fine of up to £5,000 and up to nine penalty points on the driver’s license.

Driving with Bluetooth allows you to use your phone legally without incurring the stiff penalties associated with illegal mobile use.

But even when using Bluetooth, you must be aware of your surroundings, in full control of your vehicle, and not distracted.

Otherwise you could still be breaking the law.

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