
10 Fun and Terrifying Facts About PT, 10 Years Later – Destructoid

10 Fun and Terrifying Facts About PT, 10 Years Later – Destructoid

It’s the tenth anniversary of the greatest horror game that ever existed. The playable teaser for the canceled The Silent Hillsbetter known as PT, is one of the most beloved horror games out there right now, even though it can be completed in under 20 minutes. In fact, it’s one of the best PS4 games ever.

Ten years after its release, players have discovered many secrets and easter eggs. Each new piece of information makes the game even scarier than before, and that’s no small feat. Here are the most terrifying fun facts about PT in honor of its tenth anniversary.

10 Fun and Scary Facts About PT for Its 10th Anniversary

1. A legendary collaboration

Most fans are well aware that Hideo Kojima, the mind behind the Metal gear series, was the director behind PT, and was supposed to lead The Silent Hills. However, he wasn’t the only mastermind behind the teaser. Oscar-winning director Guillermo del Toro also worked on it. PT with Kojima. He is well known for creating terrifying creatures such as those in Pan’s Labyrinth And Scary Stories to Tell in the DarkIt certainly resulted in a horrible triumph.

Lisa looks at the player from above in PT
Screenshot by Destructoid

2. You are never alone

Throughout the game, the player is stalked by a terrifying ghost commonly referred to as Lisa, presumably the murdered wife. She has some of the best jump scares in the game, but as modders like Lance McDonald We found that it was present more often than we initially thought.

After you retrieve the flashlight in the bathroom, Lisa’s model follows you for most of your playthrough, staying directly behind you so you can never see her. You can check it out in this Twitter excerpt. You can often spot his quivering shadow, but you can’t see him. No wonder the radio told players to look behind you.

3. 204863

Players will quickly find a radio in the hallway, where a radio transmitter gives players all sorts of details and clues. One of the most confusing is the repetition of the number 204863.

What does this number mean? While there are many theories about it (including Kojima’s birthday), dabura667 posted a theory on the GameFAQs message board that the number is actually a Japanese anagram. Using the numbers, it roughly translates to “ofuroba miyo,” which means “look at the bathtub.” What is the player supposed to find there? We don’t know, and we’re not sure we want to know.

Corridor Creature in PT
Image by Lance McDonald

4. Slam the door

Most players will remember the three scripted encounters where you are guaranteed to see Lisa: when she appears standing in the hallway, when you zoom into the gap in the bathroom door, and when she looks at you after the window crashes to the floor. All other times you see her are random. However, thanks again to Lance McDonald, we know that there is a fourth location where Lisa is guaranteed to appear.

This is the case when you’re locked in the bathroom and the door is rattled by someone trying to get in. By taking the camera out of its locked first-person view, McDonald discovered that it was actually Lisa and not just an effect. She shambles strangely down the hallway, jostles the door, and continues on her way. Even though in the normal game you can’t spot her, it’s terribly unsettling to know she’s there.

5. Lisa doesn’t want you to go out

Speaking of boundary breaking, you’ll get a nasty surprise if you use it to exit the hallway loop. Upon exiting, you’ll fall out of the world and then be scared off by Lisa who shoots the player. It’s completely unexpected, and the development team probably added it as a surprise moment to scare boundary breakers. I don’t think I’d recover from it if I didn’t know about it and tried it myself.

6. It’s disgusting

The hallway radio often gives clues as to what happened to Lisa and the cause of this never-ending nightmare. A father murdered his pregnant wife and children, then committed suicide with a noose in a garden hose. However, if you listen closely, when the radio describes the father’s suicide, a darker voice is heard below that says the father hanged himself with a umbilical cord.

The game hints at the existence of multiple realities, and it’s possible that in one of them, the father/murderer died this way. Either way, it must have been unpleasant for the CSI team to discover.

Red room in PT
Screenshot by Destructoid

7. Rip it off!

One of the many puzzles is found early in the game, when you interact with a picture of Lisa on the table. Do so and a bloody hole will appear over Lisa’s eye with the words “rip it out!”. Obviously, this implies that Lisa’s eye has been ripped out. This isn’t the last we see of her eye, however.

Later in the game, when fast-traveling through the Infinity Corridor, eyeballs can be seen spinning endlessly in the photo frames. This is likely Lisa’s eye being gouged out, showing that she is now constantly watching you.

8. Inspire a whole new generation of horror films

Although this is just a teaser, PT did a huge mark on video gaming, inspiring countless other horror games. Not only is there an easter egg referencing the teaser in the Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Painbut games like Spooky’s Mansion And Face take inspiration from the character design and the labyrinthine corridor. Some even claim that Resident Ev Inspired Playable Teaser7 and Resident Evil 8, with elements such as claustrophobic corridors and first-person view in the games.

Corridor radio in PT
Screenshot by Destructoid

9. I’m not saying they’re aliens, but…

The radio continues to scare you as you progress through the game, becoming distorted and even demonic. At one point, the radio starts singing in Swedish. Through translation, it turns out that this is actually a reference to THE The War of the Worlds radio play whose broadcast in 1938 sowed panic among listeners, convinced that extraterrestrials were really arriving to conquer us.

The in-game radio says that the broadcast was real and that they are here on our Earth. Aliens have always been a part of the silent Hill series, with tons of secret UFO endings throughout the games. It’s awesome that this Easter egg even made its way into PT

10. The limited broadcast window

Although he is famous for his incredible achievement, PT is also known for its rarity. Originally released in August 2014, after Kojima’s firing from Konami and the subsequent cancellation of Silent hills, It was announced that the game would be removed from the PlayStation Store. In May 2015, PT was completely excised and will never be made available again.

If you didn’t download it during the few months it was available, you wouldn’t have the chance to do so anymore. Although several fan projects made it available, they were taken down by Konami for legal reasons. There’s nothing scarier than a masterpiece that you can’t enjoy.

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