
Republicans Are Getting Agitated in Response to the Fantastic DNC

Republicans Are Getting Agitated in Response to the Fantastic DNC

Every night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago was marked by incredible levels of energy, optimism, and hope. Heartwarming moments, moving music, and speech after speech lifted delegates—and viewers—to heaven. With one night left, the 2024 Democratic National Convention has enjoyed an almost ridiculous success with the president Joe Bidenformer president Barack ObamaDemocratic vice presidential candidate and governor of Minnesota. Tim Walz sending attendees home at the end of each evening on a wave that looks set to sweep the nation.

So how did this all happen on the right?

It depends: Newsmax’s approach to handling the DNC appears to be don’t do itbut if you scroll long enough you can find somethingSenator from Texas. Ted Cruz I spent Wednesday evening harboring a sudden interest in the Shroud of Turin. Charlie Kirk, co-founder of Turning Point USA, is at the DNC, and was demolished in 30 seconds by Georgia Young Democrats President Parker Short.

But the right covered up the convention. After all, what if a Republican viewer watched the Democratic National Convention and was corrupted by a glimpse of people cheering, waving, and maybe even dancing in front of someone who wasn’t there? The rockySomeone had to step in to save these people before they got too close to happiness.

Fox News is talking about it, as is Donald Trump.

Throughout the DNC, Trump flooded his social media with messages. But with a few exceptions, like a jaw-dropping jawhighly inappropriate hit Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro Wednesday night, those messages had nothing to do with the DNC. Even when Obama was showing the a good way to troll trumpMar-a-Lago’s social media posts appeared to be scheduled clips retrieved from previous days.

On Thursday morning, however, ‘Fox & Friends’ spoke to Trump on the phone and did their best to keep him roughly on topic at the DNC with a rambling call. An attempt to get Trump to react to a portion of Walz’s speech generated a response that included: Biden on a beach, homeless people in San Francisco, World War I graves, Afghanistan, and Charlottesville — absolutely none of which were part of the clip Trump was asked about.

“Charlottesville, they use Charlottesville, totally discredited, you know Biden stands up all the time and says Charlottesville, he ran because Charlottesville. He was ousted by the Democrats, they had a coup against him, and he’s sitting on a beach somewhere in California, and because he’s in California, it’s a crime-ridden, crime-ridden place. It’s not the same place…”

It continues. It continues. a lot. This goes on until one of Fox’s friends steps in to interrupt Trump and try to bring him back to reality. Trump goes on to claim that Vice President Kamala Harris “made the decision” on how America withdrew from Afghanistan, that we should have stayed “because of China,” and that we need to rein her in again as he talks about people falling out of planes.

“They’re not talking about Biden. The day Biden spoke, that morning, in Congress, they said he stole $27 million. I haven’t seen that story anywhere, but a very light mention on Fox, to be honest, a lot lighter than it should be,” Trump ranted. “If it was me that stole $27 million, it would be front page news, they wouldn’t even be talking about the convention.”

All the Fox presenters bring us are affirmative sounds.

Finally, after Trump hung up the phone, they arrive at a placeAnd even Fox News feels compelled to fact-check Trump. Biden, according to Trump, “sent Comrade Kamala to see (Vladimir) Putin in Russia three days before the attack.”


The reason Fox’s friend Ainsley Earhardt feels like she’s “heard this over and over again” is because Trump keeps repeating it. at his rally in North Carolina on Wednesday.

“Remember when Biden sent Kamala to Europe to stop the war in Ukraine. She met with Putin, and three days later he attacked,” Trump said. “How did she do it? Do you think she did a good job? She met with Putin and said, ‘Don’t do it.’ And three days later he attacked; that’s when the attack started.”

Harris did not meet Putin before the invasion of Ukraine. She never met Putin.

There’s nothing like ending a long interview with Trump with the Fox hosts sitting on their hands, grimacing at the thought of having to admit his enormous lie.

THE The main article on the Fox News website On Thursday morning, however, the Trump campaign handed reporters a letter criticizing Walz and expressing the campaign’s anger at completely fabricated allegations of “stolen courage.” The criticism stems from Walz’s retirement from the National Guard months before his unit deployed to Iraq in 2005, despite having met the 20-year service requirement in 2001.

According to Fox, the letter was a blow to Walz on his big night…or it would have been, if anyone had noticed. But the most important thing about the letter isn’t that Republicans are engaging in a tired retelling of a made-up scandal that’s going nowhere; it’s that the Trump campaign thinks it has an answer to the “weird” label. In the letter, they call Walz “Timothy the Weird.” Take that, coach! Yeah, that’s not going to work.

Fox News’ other DNC coverage focuses on a little pure racism to start the day with Rev. Mark Thompson, host of the podcast “Make It Plain.”

The headline of the Fox article reads: “Reverend told fellow black Democrats to ‘behave properly’ until election, then ‘go back to doing stupid things.’” Among other things, Thompson is not a DNC speaker, but he did appear at a DNC event. In case that headline wasn’t clear, a helpful subheading tells Fox viewers why they should be afraid: “Reverend told fellow black Democrats to ‘behave properly’ at least until election is won.”

It’s not a dog whistle. It’s not even a steam whistle. It’s just… Fox News.

(Author’s note: I’ve been a guest on Thompson’s podcast several times, so Fox can add that to his bad associations.)

In the meantime, OAN covers what they must consider the most important thing that happened in Chicago this week:

The FBI has launched an investigation into possible sabotage following allegations that maggots were planted in a hotel breakfast served to delegates to the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

According to The hillThe insects were probably brought into the hotel by activists who wanted to send a message.

“We can confirm that a group of individuals disrupted a DNC breakfast this morning at our hotel,” Fairmont Chicago spokesperson Haley Robles told WGN Investigates. “Our team immediately took action to clean and sanitize the area, ensuring the event could continue without further incident.”

For Republicans, this is what you might call a “feel-good” story.

Help America feel good by sending $10 to the Kamala Harris and Tim Walz campaign today.