


香港历史博物馆一场新的国家安全展览。香港历史博物馆一场新的国家安全展览。 Anthony Kwan for the New York Times

The Hong Kong Museum of History is the perfect place to understand the city’s transformation from a fishing village to a glittering metropolis. It houses a life-size replica of a traditional fishing boat and a recreation of a 19th-century shop-lined street.


That exhibition, called “The Story of Hong Kong,” is being redeveloped. People are now lining up to visit a new permanent gallery at the museum that tells a different, more ominous story of the city: that Hong Kong is under constant threat from hostile foreign forces. The exhibition features images of omnipresent spies and footage of anti-government street protests in the city, which are described as being instigated by the West.

« »的全新永久展厅, 以及被描述为由西方煽动的反政府街头抗议活动的录像。

At the exhibition’s launch this month, John Lee, Hong Kong’s Beijing-backed leader, made clear that its main aim was to be a warning to the city. “Safeguarding national security is a continuous effort. There is no end point,” he said. The gallery, run by Hong Kong’s national security agency, opened to the public on August 7.

是为香港敲响警钟。« 维护国家安全只有进行时,没有完成时,”他说。该展厅由香港最高国家安全机构管理,于8 7 days ago.

The exhibition highlights a new aspect of the Hong Kong government’s crackdown on the city after anti-government protests in 2019 posed the biggest challenge to Beijing’s rule in decades. Authorities have since introduced security laws to crush dissent and are now seeking to control how people will remember the recent political unrest.

2019. 。

According to the government, the protests were not an organic expression of residents’ democratic aspirations, as the city’s opposition activists have claimed, but part of an ongoing plot by Western forces to destabilize China.


The national security exhibit opens with a short video highlighting the unjust 19th-century treaties that forced China to cede Hong Kong to the British, as well as the Japanese occupation of the city during World War II. Describing the 2019 protests, the video featured images of protesters throwing Molotov cocktails. “Law and order is gone,” the narrator said. He then credited new national security laws imposed by Beijing during the ensuing crackdown with shifting the trend “from chaos to order.”

不平等条约,以”法纪荡然无存”, “从混乱转向秩序”


该博物馆举办的2019年抗议活动展览将这些事件描述为西方势力破坏中国稳定的持续阴谋的一部分。 Anthony Kwan for the New York Times

The exhibition features damaged shields, helmets and boots used by riot police who quelled the protests. It lists the casualties and damage allegedly inflicted by the protesters: 629 police officers were injured and more than 5,000 Molotov cocktails were thrown by violent protesters.


The poster makes no mention of the tear gas, rubber bullets, pellets and tear gas used by police. The poster does not mention the attack on protesters in a subway station by a mob armed with sticks and poles, nor the slow police response to this violence.


“One of the goals of this exhibition is to stoke fears of social ‘unrest’ and ‘chaos’ in order to persuade Hong Kongers to embrace the social stability that the Chinese Communist Party claims to offer,” said Kirk Denton, professor emeritus at Ohio State University and author of a book on the politics of history museums in modern China.

俄亥俄州立大学名誉教授邓腾克(Kirk Denton)的恐惧”,说服香港人接受中国共产党声称提供的社会稳定。”书。

Winnie Lu, 61, a Hong Kong resident who works in retail and was visiting the museum on a recent weekday, said the exhibit reminded her of how difficult it was for her to get to work during the protests, when demonstrators blocked roads and paralyzed the subway. “Without national security, how can ordinary people live a good life?” she asked.


In many ways, the national security exhibition appears to be inspired by the Chinese government’s strategy after the Chinese military’s brutal suppression of the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy movement in 1989 left a sense of widespread disillusionment. In the months and years that followed, the authorities conducted an intensive patriotic education campaign in mainland China, portraying Japan as the enemy of the Chinese people and the Communist Party as the sole engine of progress in Chinese history.


Rowena Il, a senior researcher at the University of Texas, Austin, and a historian of the Tiananmen massacre who taught in Hong Kong, She said the new national security exhibit is part of a broader campaign of “manipulation of history” by Beijing following the Tiananmen crackdown. Chinese leaders want to “engrave the official narrative of history into national memory, emphasizing China’s victim status at the hands of the West and Japan.”



展览中的一段视频展示了中国最高领导人习近平的形象,该视频强调了中国共产党通过国家安全法为香港人提供社会稳定的说法。 Anthony Kwan for the New York Times

In the name of patriotic education, the Hong Kong government has also transformed the Coastal Defence Museum, a historical military museum centered on the half-destroyed British fortifications, into a memorial to China’s war against Japan during World War II. It will rename it the Hong Kong War of Resistance and Coastal Defence Museum, referring to the war with China’s phrase: “The Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.” The government also plans to build a museum dedicated to China’s achievements, the history of the Communist Party and the founding of the People’s Republic.

香港政府以爱国主义教育的名义将它改造成二战期间中日战争的纪念馆.抗战及海防博物馆,以中国使用的措辞« 中国人民抗日战争»立一个博物馆,重点展示中国的成就、共产党的历史和中华人民共和国的成立。

The new national security exhibit adds to broader concerns about the chilling effect of China’s crackdown on opposition, which has led to the arrest of dozens of veteran democracy activists on national security charges. Public libraries have removed books associated with local pro-democracy figures or movements. Rallies to commemorate victims of the 1989 Tiananmen massacre in Beijing have been banned, and a sculpture that served as a memorial to it has been removed. Academics are also under pressure; Ms. He, a Canadian citizen, was recently denied a visa to return to her job as an associate professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Some Hong Kongers are concerned about what they see as the government’s attempt to rewrite the past. When the Museum of History’s permanent exhibition, “The Hong Kong Story,” closed for renovation in 2020, visitors packed the gallery, fearing that authorities would use the planned renovation to erase the city’s colonial history and its references to the annual candlelight vigils commemorating the Tiananmen victims, now considered sensitive.

一些香港人一直感到担心。当历史博物馆的常设展览« 港故事 » 2020 News去这座城市的殖民历史,Chinese:为是敏感的。

Experts say the history museum’s exhibition is aimed at bringing Hong Kong closer to Chinese history. Authorities have also organized patriotic study tours to mainland China and overhauled the school curriculum to counter the rise of a local identity distinct from that of the mainland.


Some of the new exhibits at the national security exhibition look a lot like those found at similarly themed mainland museums. A floor-to-ceiling Chinese flag hangs on crimson walls. Next to it is a 13-foot-long replica of an oil painting of Mao Zedong proclaiming the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 in Tiananmen Square.


Tiffany May said: Yes.

