
She thinks her parents have helped her sister too much, so when her sister begs her to babysit and even offers to pay, she flatly refuses » TwistedSifter

She thinks her parents have helped her sister too much, so when her sister begs her to babysit and even offers to pay, she flatly refuses » TwistedSifter

She thinks her parents have helped her sister too much, so when her sister begs her to babysit and even offers to pay, she flatly refuses » TwistedSifterShe thinks her parents have helped her sister too much, so when her sister begs her to babysit and even offers to pay, she flatly refuses » TwistedSifter

Is it nice to help out the family and be willing to babysit from time to time?


Should this be mandatory?

That’s the question of today’s story, and this woman certainly thinks people can go too far when handing out favors.

Let’s see why the little sister refuses to babysit her older sister…

When my sister May (28f) was twenty, she fell pregnant with her daughter Reece.

My parents immediately rushed to pamper her and help her and her current husband Mike (33 months) with everything.

She continued her education while my parents paid for everything she and her child would need.

Mike worked with my father as an intern at his company while he was still in college and this continued even after he gave birth.

My parents looked after her child until she or Mike came home and I always found that very unfair to my parents.

She thinks her sister is “using” her parents.

Well, after college, May and Mike got married and had two more kids (4th grade twins) and they have a great life.

They both work late sometimes, so either my mom or dad watches the kids until one of them gets home.

I again think this is unfair and I absolutely hate how they are using my parents as free babysitters.

This is not cool in my opinion.

She refused to babysit her sister’s children.

Well, my parents decided to visit my aunt in another state and left on Tuesday.

I was happy about this because it would force my sister to grow up and learn that she can’t use our parents like she does.

Well, that didn’t happen because she asked me if I could watch the twins for an hour until Mike got home while she took Reece to the hospital after he injured himself.

I immediately told him no and told him to find someone else.

Her sister couldn’t find anyone to look after her.

She was disappointed and spent half an hour on the phone asking everyone she knew if they could watch the twins.

Everyone said what I said and she almost burst into tears when she looked at me.

She started begging me and telling me that she would even pay me to watch them just this once.

I told her no again and that they were her children and she had to finally grow up and look after them.

She didn’t say anything and quickly got the kids out and into the car before driving off.

Her mother thinks she should have agreed to keep the baby.

An hour later my mother called me and told me how disappointed she was in me and how family helps family.

I said they would, but I refuse to coddle May like she and Dad did, telling her that May needs to grow up and take care of her own kids.

Mom didn’t say anything before hanging up.

So AITA for refusing to babysit?

It was an emergency situation and she ignored it.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted…

This reader points out that many grandparents babysit their grandchildren for free.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Another reader explains WHY her sister asked her to babysit her child.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

This reader thinks she might be jealous of her sister.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Another person thinks that her sister probably won’t help her if she ever asks.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

This reader agrees that she should have helped because it was an emergency.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

It seems that there is general agreement that she is wrong.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Not wanting to keep a child is one thing, but not making an exception in an emergency is another.

Very rude.

If you liked this story, read this one about a mother who was forced to take her three children with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting her dream job.