
The Best Sculptural Candles for Fall

The Best Sculptural Candles for Fall

The air is getting cooler here in Northern California, making me want to pull out all my cozy fall decor and layer it around the house. I’ve started playing around with a fall fireplace with new taper candlesticks, I’d like to buy a few more so I can light them all in a row while I relax in our living room this fall.

All my research led me to this collection of sculptural candlesticks and pillars to consider for your fall decorating as well.

green beeswax (three colors) / Totem candles (four colors)

ribbed pillars

ribbed twisted pillars / ribbed high

well formed pillars A / two / three

palisade cones / figurine shaped candles

origami candles

stacked soy pillars / swirls

totem pillars

large and medium flower cones / swirling candles

curved pillars