
USC professor named in sexual harassment lawsuit against PhD student

USC professor named in sexual harassment lawsuit against PhD student

A former USC student has sued the school and a university professor, alleging that the professor sexually harassed her while she was a doctoral student and his research assistant, and that he retaliated with unfair evaluations of her senior thesis when she objected.

The complaint filed in Los Angeles Superior Court also alleges civil rights violations, sex discrimination, retaliation, failure to prevent harassment, discrimination and retaliation, sexual assault, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligence. It names USC and professor David C. Kang as defendants.

According to the complaint, the plaintiff was effectively fired by Kang as a research assistant and he gave her a failing grade on her substantive assignment for the qualifying exam — even though he had previously stated that it was satisfactory — because she refused to comply with his alleged sexual misconduct.