
Drag Race crown and new album: Lemon is ready to become a superstar

Drag Race crown and new album: Lemon is ready to become a superstar

As he prepared to interview the winner of the Drag Racing in Canada: Canada vs. the World season 2, the hottest new addition to the Drag Race Hall of Fame’s International Pavilion, and the superstar who just began her reign as Queen of the Mother-Pucking World, I went back to listen to the other times I spoke to Lemon.

“It was a journey. That denim look is shivering,” says Lemon. Outreferring to one of her looks from season 1 of Drag Racing in Canada“It’s really crazy. I feel like winning is kind of like losing, except we won,” she teases.

Lemon was undeniably focused and galvanized from the first moment she appeared in this season of Canada against the worldShe had always been confident, of course, but there was something else this time: a degree of focus and competitive preparation that mirrored previous winners of All stars seasons.

“On UK vs WorldI received reviews that said: “Damn, they’re right.” “It pissed me off in a way because there were other good things they could have noticed, but it was the little things they latched onto,” she recalls. “This time, I kept saying as I was getting ready: “I have to go and be undeniably sorry that they can’t say anything, because there’s nothing left to say.”“And that’s what she did. Lemon dominated the competition, winning or placing high in every episode, without ever even coming close to the bottom.

Lemon in Canada's Drag Race: Canada vs the World season 2

Crave/World of Wonders

“I think the dance training I grew up with taught me how to prepare for a competition,” Lemon says. “One thing I learned not What’s going to happen is that one stupid little criticism is going to knock me out of the competition.

In addition to figuratively dancing in circles around her competitors, Lemon also “5, 6, 7… ATE” those dance challenges in the most literal sense: She won the girl group challenge in Episode 1, and the Rusical in Episode 5, and two lip syncs for the crown in the grand finale.

“Every season they talk about, “If you can’t sew, you can’t do drag.” My question is: can any of these bitches take a dance class?,” she jokes.

Because she’s young and has a modern take on drag, it’s easy to miss that there’s something fiercely nostalgic about Lemon as a drag queen. She literally can’t help but come up with a pun, joke, rhyme, or play on words every time she speaks. She’s also constantly ready to read “ab*tch” when it’s time to do a kiki, but Lemon’s dirty little secret—one I’ve been hearing about and experiencing for years now—is that she’s actually very positive, encouraging, professional, and even… *gasp* adorable.

“I just think life is hard enough without bitches putting you down for no reason. And that’s just the truth,” Lemon says, and can I please get an AMEN for that?! “There is room for all of us to succeed. There is room for everyone Drag racing “I don’t want you to do a show on Friday night… I really do. We don’t think it’s helpful to talk down to someone else. It’s a waste of time and energy. Seriously, you need to have some real confidence in yourself before you start talking about someone else’s. Like, shut up.”

Lemon and I accidentally quote his latest song, “It’s Not That Deep,” at the same time. We talk about his Drag Racing in Canada Priyanka, her best friend and her husband twice Against the world best friend Cheryl, as clear examples.

“(But) that’s not really the case,” she continues. “Priyanka and I both had shows on the same day. We both got paid for it. And look at us both: thriving and happy. We had no reason to be in competition. Same with Cheryl. Yes, the show is a competition, but it doesn’t have to be any fiercer than that.”

Lemon recalls meeting Cheryl in 2018 while they were working together at a bar in New York City. They dreamed up British and Canadian versions of Drag racing while none of those shows had been greenlit, and Lemon had actually “drunkenly manifested” the journey she and Cheryl had been on over the past few years.

Priyanka; Jimbo; Lemon

(LR) Priyanka; Jimbo; Lemon

Crave/World of Wonder; Paramount+

The first season of Drag Racing in Canada There are currently three crowned winners: Priyanka, Jimbo, and Lemon. “One of only two seasons in history,” Lemon says proudly. “They said season 1, but they meant WON, right?”

“Jimbo bought me a cameo from Ms. Kasha Davis to congratulate me. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” she adds. “Jimbo and Priyanka messaged me right away. They were very supportive. To tell you the truth, winning a crown is a lot of pressure. It’s a lot of things you don’t necessarily know.” intuitively “I know. It’s really nice to have real friends who are also in this situation, who can help me and guide me, and be there when I have questions. It’s a dream come true.”

The first time Lemon and I spoke was right after he first appeared on the show, in 2020, after he was asked to step away from Drag Racing in Canada season 1 despite being a top contender. In the interview, Lemon defended the judges who shared controversial critiques, defended the queens who came for her in a high-stress environment, and hinted that “maybe one day” she’ll release original music.

The next time we spoke was before the very first UK vs Worldin 2022, at a time when Lemon already knew she had been the first queen eliminated of the season. But We I didn’t do it, and you couldn’t tell, at allthat had been the result. Lemon praised his competitors, shared his excitement about an international season, and spoke of his love and respect for RuPaul as a pioneering queer artist.

Between our interviews in 2020, 2022, and 2024, I think we’ve gotten into the habit of talking at least once every two years… and it’s been fascinating to follow Lemon’s journey throughout her life. But there’s always one very important topic that I’ve been meaning to address all along: so when’s the new album coming out, sister? And is it tomorrow, maybe?

“It’s not tomorrow,” Lemon laughs, “but it will be very, very soon. I think it will be in the next month. To be completely honest with you, I just wanted to see how this season went before I put the finishing touches on the album. You never know if I’m going to have to write a diss track to the judges… but luckily I don’t have to.”

So the judges are safe, thank God. And the other girls too?

“I would say the sisterhood in this season was real. There was a lot of love,” Lemon says. “I feel like all the performers on this season are incredible, and I have a lot of respect for all of them. None of them really get a diss track to be honest with you. Maybe one day someone will piss me off enough.”

Lemon in Canada's Drag Race: Canada vs the World season 2

Crave/World of Wonders

“The thing is, I (even) said that to Fierce on the show, “Coming for me is really bold because I will come back.” “There’s maybe three times in my entire life where I had nothing to say… and if I don’t say anything back, that’s a choice,” Lemon says, but always with a chuckle to remind us that things don’t have to be that deep. “Come get me if you want… but if you get in the ring, don’t be afraid if the lion bites your head off.”

“I’m a Virgo. I notice everything,” she teases. “I have all your bullshit right in front of me.”

So, as the new queen of the motherfuckin’ world, what’s next for Lemon?

“The album is at the top of my list. It’s coming very soon. I promise you,” she assures me. “I’m working on doing a world tour and getting back on television. I’m just working on being this bitch. The truth is, I’ve worked so, so, so hard since the moment I started the show, and before, and that work ethic hasn’t gone anywhere. I’ll keep popping my pussy until the end of time… tiara or not.

All episodes of Drag Racing in Canada: Canada vs. the World Season 2 is now streaming on WOW Presents Plus.