
Buffalo Residents Share Their Opinions on Mayor Byron Brown’s Position at OTB

Buffalo Residents Share Their Opinions on Mayor Byron Brown’s Position at OTB

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown was offered a contract Thursday to become the next president and CEO of Western Regional Off-Track Betting.

Current CEO Henry Wojtaszek will leave the gambling agency at the end of the year.

If Brown accepts the offer, he would make history by choosing to resign earlier than expected. He is already in his fifth term, an unprecedented feat, having been first elected in 2006. You can watch our full report from Thursday below and read more here.

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown Offered Job as Next President and CEO of Off-Track Betting

Under the city charter, if Brown leaves, Common Council President Chris Scanlon would become acting mayor.

On Thursday night, we spoke with members of the Buffalo Common Council to get their reaction. You can watch the report below and read more here.

Buffalo City Council Members Respond to OTB Offer to Mayor Brown to Become President and CEO

On Friday, I spoke to people across the city to ask what they thought about the very real possibility that Brown will resign and open the door to a new mayor.

I spoke to neighbors on Jefferson and Elmwood Avenues about what they thought about Brown’s legacy and what they wanted for Buffalo’s future.

“I think some areas have been improved considerably since he came to power. Other areas have not been improved as much, to the point of being neglected,” said Kenny Gaston.

“I want to see in the next leader someone who will look after the whole city, not just certain areas of the city,” he said. Belinda Deas.

“Honestly, I’m looking forward to new leadership. To be honest, I feel like there’s a lot to do with the community and having someone else in power who brings a different perspective,” said Destiny Stevenson.

“He’s done a lot of things, a lot of things. So I think if he decides to do it, he will do it,” said Janil Harris.

“I think he’s lifted the spirits of the whole city, to be honest with you. I think he’s been very, very good for the city. I think he’s had a hard time getting along with other politicians at times, but that’s the way politics works. But Buffalo is in a much better place than it was 20 years ago,” said Donna Testa-Murphy.

“It would be good if a new leader came in. He hasn’t been very good to the poor in general. Housing. Renters. Too many cars,” said Chris Cabrera.

“I think Buffalo has had a great transition during his tenure. We’ve seen a great rebound. I think a lot of people have been a part of that,” said Christa Penner.

“I just hope the tax situation here in town gets sorted out before he moves on,” he said. Michele Griffasi.