
Letters to the Editor — Kudos to West Texas A&M, DMN’s work, and comics

Letters to the Editor — Kudos to West Texas A&M, DMN’s work, and comics

1 West Texas A&M University — Re: “When the dream of earning a degree is forced to pause — West Texas A&M University offers integrated associate degrees to give students some flexibility,” by Walter V. Wendler, Opinion, Aug. 28.

Kudos to West Texas A&M University for understanding that life is a series of detours to be overcome and now offering integrated associate degrees after students successfully complete 60 credit hours. This is a great way to meet the needs of students, especially if costs or lifestyle are barriers to their bachelor’s degree.

More importantly, the 60-hour degree will pay dividends in the wallet through increased earning power. Kudos to West Texas A&M for thinking outside the box when it comes to education.

Barry Rothschild, Dallas/Preston Hollow


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2 Good work by The Dallas Morning News — Re: Shining a Light on Excellence — From the Whimsical to the Serious, Here’s Some Journalism That Shined,” by Stephen Buckley, Opinion, Aug. 11.

I thought Buckley’s article on presentation The Dallas Morning Journal The work that resonated with readers was good. But I thought he overlooked some very good work.

I thought The news“The road toll inquiry was excellent. I hope there will be follow-up work on this subject.

He also neglected two very good Metro columnists – The Watchdog Dave Lieber and Gromer Jeffers Jr. I particularly like Lieber. His column is the only place in the paper that provides consistent news and reporting that directly helps Texas consumers.

Jeffers brings an objective and balanced view of Texas politics. I always look forward to their columns.

Richard Bach, Garland

3 DMN comics — I grew up in Texas reading your comics. I’m 73 now and once a week I take out the colored comics to save for my granddaughter who lives in Colorado.

It’s been a tradition for 13 years now. It’s created a sweet bond between her and her grandmother, and now she loves comics as much as I do.

THANKS, The Dallas Morning Journalto continue publishing colorful and funny comic strips every Sunday across generations. You have delighted my granddaughter and me.

Kathy Keasler, Richardson

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