
Sodexo Announces Changes to Lindenwood Restaurant – Lindenlink

Sodexo Announces Changes to Lindenwood Restaurant – Lindenlink

Lion's Pride Marketplace is moving from cashier checkout to virtual checkouts.

Lion’s Pride Marketplace is moving from cashier checkout to virtual checkouts.

Last year, Lindenwood University began its dining partnership with Sodexo. Sodexo is a global Fortune 500 company that specializes in sustainable food. This year, Lindenwood has made some changes to the dining halls and food offered on campus.

“We’re making a lot of improvements right now,” said Nway Nway Khine, Lions Food Service marketing manager. “We have the Lions Pride Market, which is very popular within the university and is ranked third or fourth among college markets in Missouri. We added the Just Bake machine for this semester, as well as the Lions Pride Market Express, which is next to the Evans Cafeteria,”

One example of the changes to Lindenwood’s dining services is the newly upgraded C-Store. Last year, when students purchased items at the C-Store, they paid their bills at a cashier. This year, the C-Store does not have a cashier; instead, students will use an ID card scanner to purchase items. Although you will be charged a dining dollar each time you enter the C-Store, according to sophomore and returning student Gianni Comi, much of the food this year is significantly better than last year, making a visit to the C-Store still worth it.

“I like (the changes). I think Lion’s Pride Market is easier than last year, and you can just walk in and walk out,” Comi said. “(The C-Store) even has prepared foods, and I think they’ve made an overall improvement from last year,”

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Not only was Evans Commons introduced to Pride Market Express, but it was also able to add a new line of culinary meats.

“We’re trying to have more variety and change it up every day,” Khine said. “From our food to customer service, to collaborations with dining centers and security, we’re really focused on student feedback, critiques, the things they want and making them feel at home when they’re on campus.”

Overall, from the new U-Cook station, Evan’s Salad Bar and new GrubHub collaborations, Sodexo has begun to completely change the vision of food service here in Lindenwood.