
Iberia Parish President Recommends Evacuation

Iberia Parish President Recommends Evacuation

Iberia Parish officials are recommending all residents south of U.S. 90 consider evacuating tonight.

Iberia Parish is currently facing the threat of high winds, heavy rain, storm surge and flooding from a major weather system (Tropical Storm Francine) currently located in the Gulf of Mexico, Parish President Larry Richard said, which is why he issued an emergency declaration earlier today, effective today at 1:21 p.m., September 9, 2024.

“After consultation with representatives from the National Weather Service, the Iberia Parish Office of Emergency Preparedness, our local emergency preparedness partners, and other similar agencies, I AM RECOMMENDING ALL IBERIA PARISH RESIDENTS LIVING SOUTH OF U.S. INTERstate 90 CONSIDER VOLUNTARY EVACUATION BEGINNING AT 8:00 PM, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2024,” Richard said in a statement released Monday.

The following individuals residing in Iberia Parish should also seriously consider evacuating:
· Anyone living in areas vulnerable to potential storm surges;
· Any person with special needs;
· Anyone living in low-lying areas along lakes, bayous, streams and drainage structures that have experienced flooding in the past; and
· Anyone living in a structure that has experienced flooding as a result of heavy rains.

“I urge all of our residents to check their emergency supplies, create a safety action plan for their families and pets, and continue to monitor the Iberia Parish Information Notification System (PINS), as well as the Iberia Parish Government website and Facebook. You can also monitor our local news media for additional weather updates. Residents who wish to evacuate should begin this process immediately. Residents who choose to remain may find themselves without power and unable to leave the area until floodwaters recede and storm debris is removed,” he said.

Richard also announced the closure of the Iberia Parish Courthouse and Iberia Parish Government offices effective Tuesday, September 10 at 12:00 p.m., through Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Employees are expected to report to work on Thursday, September 12, 2024, unless otherwise advised.