
Amnesty International Silent Vigil in Manchester for Palestine and Israel, Friday 13 September, 5pm-6pm

Amnesty International Silent Vigil in Manchester for Palestine and Israel, Friday 13 September, 5pm-6pm

Silent Vigil for Palestine and Israel

Amnesty International, Manchester

invites you to join us in our weekly silent vigil calling for a ceasefire and the protection of all civilians in Palestine and Israel.

St. Peter’s Square, Manchester

Friday, September 13, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Meet from 4:50 p.m. in front of the Central Library

Please wear dark colors

No signs / No banners / No flags / No chants

Simple signs will be provided with the following messages:

Cease fire now

Stop arms sales

Humanitarian Aid Now

Respect international law

Protect all civilians

Protecting human rights

Let’s stop war crimes

Free political prisoners

Stop killing civilians

Free all hostages

Passers-by will have the opportunity to leave a message of support

Join us

Please forward this invitation to your friends and contacts.

Manchester | Amnesty International UK