
Aufsteirern 2024 – Cancellation due to storm: many regrets, but understanding

Aufsteirern 2024 – Cancellation due to storm: many regrets, but understanding

Franz Paier’s wallet is already well stocked: “We had already prepared everything with six people at the Landhaushof, prepared a lot of delicacies, there would have been a delicious mushroom soup and a venison stew.” What about now: “We will eat a lot ourselves”, the humor has not quite gone. “Nothing will be thrown away.” But: “In total, we had costs of up to 15,000 euros.” To illustrate the scale: “To cover such a huge sum, we would have had to sell several thousand glasses of Sturm!” Nevertheless, he supports the cancellation for safety reasons “without reservation. In addition, the loss is even smaller than in a restaurant with many staff, where no one comes because of the bad weather,” says Christa Blümel.