
Caught on video: NYC manhole explosion causes sidewalk to collapse

Caught on video: NYC manhole explosion causes sidewalk to collapse

Caught on video: New York sidewalk partially explodes

Caught on video: New York sidewalk partially explodes


NEW YORK – Dramatic video shows the moment part of a sidewalk collapsed in New York after a manhole exploded.

It happened around 12:30 p.m. Friday on East 48th Street, between Lexington and Third Avenue.

The explosion was captured on CCTV, which shows a woman walking on the sidewalk with a backpack at the time of the explosion, causing the sidewalk she was standing on to lift up beneath her feet. Parts of the sidewalk she had just crossed were completely torn away. She managed to get to safety.

Firefighters were already on scene at the time of the explosion, checking reports of nearby manhole fires.

Fortunately, no injuries were reported.

“There was smoke coming out of the manhole on the street, then we smelled gas. And then, 10 minutes later, the whole sidewalk rose up,” said witness Rafael Maldonado.

Con Ed confirmed the fire and said it was investigating the cause. Some nearby residents were evacuated, Con Ed said.