
Wisconsin DMV set to adopt new federal commercial driver’s license requirements | News, Sports, Jobs

Wisconsin DMV set to adopt new federal commercial driver’s license requirements | News, Sports, Jobs

MADISON, Wis. — The Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s Division of Motor Vehicles will implement new federal drug and alcohol compliance requirements and downgrade commercial driver’s licenses for noncompliance starting Sunday.

Through the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s new Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Status Verification System, state DMVs will be notified when drivers with commercial licenses fail their drug or alcohol screening tests. When the Wisconsin DMV’s new Commercial Driver License Verification System goes live Sunday, all Wisconsin commercial drivers who are not in federal compliance will have their commercial driving privileges downgraded until they clear their record with the FMCSA. With a license downgrade, operating a commercial vehicle is illegal. The commercial driver’s regular driving privileges will not be affected.

“Our top priority is safety on Wisconsin’s roadways,” DMV Administrator Tommy Winkler said. “Our project team has been working over the past year to develop the DMV’s action plan to comply with these new federal regulations. The Wisconsin DMV is one of the first state licensing agencies to implement this change.”

The official federal rule provides that effective November 18, all state driver licensing agencies must revoke the commercial driving privileges of a person who is prohibited from operating a commercial motor vehicle. The Wisconsin DMV’s compliance with the final rule will help keep dangerous drivers off the road.

Wisconsin Drivers with Federal Commercial Driver’s Licenses “forbidden” Drivers who are in a prohibited status will have their driver license classes downgraded (i.e., invalidated) until they can comply with the return to work process. Drivers who receive a downgrade letter from the DMV must work with their employer and substance abuse professional to complete the RTD process. Once the prohibited driver completes the RTD process with the FMCSA, the Wisconsin DMV will be notified and will automatically issue the downgrade that will return their driver license status to validity.

Further information regarding this rule and process can be found online at

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