
Meet the Post Independent’s new reporter

Meet the Post Independent’s new reporter

Julianna O’Clair is the Post Independent’s new Garfield County, arts and entertainment reporter. She is a graduate of the University of Denver, where she earned two bachelor’s degrees: one in journalism and one in music. She has previously written for Denver Westword, Out Front Magazine, Denver Life Magazine and interned this summer at the Denver Post. O’Clair took some time during her first week to answer a few questions and introduce herself to the community.

You graduated from the University of Denver and grew up in Brush, on the Eastern Plains. What do you like about living in Colorado? What do you especially love about the mountains?

Every city I’ve lived in, from Brush to Denver, and now New Castle, has a distinct community culture that’s as diverse as Colorado’s beautiful landscapes. So I’m always finding new and exciting ways to experience life while staying in the state. When I lived in Denver, I loved visiting the mountains to ski, hike, and get away from the city. I’m thrilled to live in a place where enjoying nature is so ingrained in everyday life.

What do you think are the biggest issues facing Colorado right now and how do you hope to address them in Garfield County?

I believe the biggest issues facing Colorado right now are the high cost of living and the rise in violent crime. I hope to explore how these statewide concerns are impacting the Garfield County community, focusing on the personal experiences of those most impacted and reporting on the situation from a humanistic perspective.

What do you hope to learn and experience in your first year at the Post Independent?

All of the reporting I’ve done so far has been for Denver publications. I’m excited to be reporting in a small community, where I know the people my work involves, and to build new relationships in Garfield County while honing my journalistic voice.

What made you choose journalism as a career?

I’ve always loved writing and wanted to find a career where I could use my passion to make a difference. After writing my first article for the University of Denver newspaper, I was hooked. I loved connecting with my audience and feeling the thrill of searching for a potential story.

In addition to a degree in journalism, you have a degree in music. How do you think your skills as a musician influence you as a journalist?

My background in music taught me to be detail-oriented while working under pressure and to incorporate a touch of my own personal style into my work. These skills have proven invaluable in managing my workload and refining my writing style as a journalist.

How do you spend your time when you’re not at work?

I am an avid reader and enjoy crafting, cooking, and hiking. I also maintain my musical skills through a regular practice schedule, teaching flute lessons, and performing on stage.

If a journalist wants to contact you to say hello or suggest a story idea, what is the best way to reach you?

The best way to reach me is by email at [email protected].