
Samsung, Xiaomi and vivo accused of anti-competitive practices

Samsung, Xiaomi and vivo accused of anti-competitive practices

Smartphone sales are booming worldwide, but concerns about fair competition are also growing. Big brands like Samsung and Xiaomi are now under investigation in India. The problem? These companies have partnered with big e-commerce sites like Amazon and Flipkart to sell some phones only on those platforms. This raises questions of unfair competition, and Indian competition authorities are currently looking into the matter.

India cracks down on unfair competition: Samsung, Xiaomi and Vivo under fire

India investigates smartphone makers

In India, big names like Samsung, Xiaomi, and vivo are under investigation for alleged violations of competition laws. These companies have struck deals with online retailers like Amazon and Flipkart to sell certain phones exclusively on their sites. This means consumers can only buy those specific models on one platform, limiting choice and potentially hurting competition.

For example, brands like Samsung, Motorola, Realme, OnePlus, and Xiaomi have partnered with Amazon to launch certain phones that can only be purchased on their site. Similarly, Flipkart has partnered with Lenovo and vivo for exclusive sales. While this strategy benefits the companies, it can create an unfair advantage. It would make it harder for other retailers and brands to compete.

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The conclusions of the investigation

The Indian investigation has produced two detailed reports. The first, 1,027 pages long, focuses on Amazon’s partnerships with five phone makers. The second, 1,696 pages long, examines Flipkart’s deals with six other brands. The reports suggest that these exclusive partnerships could reduce competition, which is against Indian law.

By offering these phones only on certain platforms, the companies may have restricted consumer choice and created an unfair market. Indian authorities are now looking closely at their practices to see if they broke the rules.

What could happen next?

In addition, as part of the investigation, the companies were asked to provide financial statements for the past three years, including the current year, 2024. This shows how seriously the authorities are taking this matter. If the companies are found guilty of violating competition laws, they could face heavy fines and be forced to change their business practices.

This could also impact the way these brands operate, not just in India, but globally. Other markets could follow India’s lead in looking closely at such exclusive deals, which could reshape the phone industry.


The results of this investigation could have a significant impact on the phone market in India and beyond. As authorities look more closely at these exclusive partnerships, important questions arise: Do these arrangements harm fair competition and limit consumer choice, or are they simply smart business tactics in a competitive digital world?

So what do you think? Do these exclusive agreements hurt competition or are they just a clever business strategy?