
MAIL: Second assassination attempt, the silent majority | Opinion

MAIL: Second assassination attempt, the silent majority | Opinion

Second assassination attempt

I am truly shocked to learn of this second assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump.

I was appalled by the viciousness that Trump received, saying he was a dictator, that he was a threat to the country, calling him Hitler, etc.

I am attaching pictures of several magazine covers to support my point that Trump is the devil incarnate. It would not be surprising if some people believed these lies and thought they would be doing a great thing by assassinating such a man.

Trump, by the way, showed us what kind of president he was: when he was president, the country was healthy (except for all the left’s false efforts to sabotage it) and he was a great president.

Jeri McGinnis

Colorado Springs

Electric bikes on the trails

Dave Vandenberg is correct when he writes (September 12) that when it comes to bicycles of any kind on trails, a cyclist hitting a stationary object or a relatively stationary human at 30 km/h will result in serious injury – to the cyclist and to the relatively stationary human. This is why cyclists riding traditional bicycles or e-bikes slow down when approaching pedestrians on a trail. There is nothing about riding an e-bike that reduces or eliminates any sense of survival instinct. There is nothing about riding an e-bike that reduces or eliminates any sense of courtesy or respect for others on a trail.

Vandenberg cites a statistic from the American College of Surgeons showing a 49% increase in e-bike-related injuries over the past five years. This statistic comes from a study in which a significant percentage of those injuries were related to collisions with automobiles. A logical conclusion from this study would be that riding an e-bike on trails would significantly reduce the risk of being injured in a collision with a car.

Joanna Koob writes (September 15) that e-bikes go faster and “don’t seem to have time to announce themselves.” As noted above, nothing about riding an e-bike increases the chances that cyclists won’t slow down and announce themselves when approaching pedestrians on a trail. Almost all e-bikes come with a bell—to announce themselves.

The speed issue is not unique to e-bikes. Many trail users can testify to being surprised by cyclists on traditional bikes passing them at dangerous speeds and/or without announcing themselves.

Lee Oesterle

Colorado Springs

The silent majority

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In these troubled political times, it is positive to think that the silent majority has not yet spoken. After all, it is those who do not need to boast, brag or utter cruel words to their fellow men and those who are able to establish a connection between the brain and the vocal cords who have content to offer when they are ready to speak. It is those who act rather than simply talk.

The spread of words such as: “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing” reminds us of the need to act when action is needed as a problem-solving technique for our country; more specifically, do your civic duty and vote!

As a naturalized American citizen, I feel Kamala Harris’ passion and respect for this country, even though I am not of European descent. I am also saddened to hear the derogatory comments made about Kamala Harris being of multiracial descent.

What will it take for some in this country to accept the reality that it is the contributions of immigrants of all skin colors that have brought the country to where it is today?

When education is provided equally throughout the country and employment opportunities improve for the poor, minorities will advance. Is this the unconscious fear of those who continue to try to suppress minorities? Would those who think this way prefer to dance all their lives to the song “They eat dogs, they eat cats”? It is quite ridiculous, not to say sad!

What will be the breaking point that will allow Americans with at least an average level of intelligence and morality to realize how ridiculous certain politicians are? It is also said that one speaks as one thinks and that one acts as one speaks.

Marcela Gaumer

Colorado Springs

China has already won

Re: China’s New War, editorial, September 15.

China is winning and has already won this “existential” war. More than 75% of our products are made in China. We import more from China than we export to the rest of the world.

We have allowed our economy to be devastated by eliminating oil and gas extraction and moving American jobs to cheaper parts of the world, resulting in cheaply manufactured products that must be continually replaced. Our society has been devastated by drugs and immorality to the point where fewer and fewer people want to fight for this once great country. More and more American citizens want a bigger government, which means more control and less freedom. The backbone of America has been ripped out and trampled by China and the American elite who want to surrender American sovereignty to a world government like the United Nations.

What China is doing is simply the natural result of the incompetence and inability of the American government to implement policies that enhance prosperity and freedom. The American government has been in China’s back pocket for over thirty years. The final nail in the American coffin is only a few years away.

Joseph Ford

Colorado Springs