
Damien Chazelle, Miles Teller and JK Simmons Talk ‘Whiplash’ Returning to Theaters After 10 Years

Damien Chazelle, Miles Teller and JK Simmons Talk ‘Whiplash’ Returning to Theaters After 10 Years

Ten years after “Whiplash” took the movie world by storm, Damien Chazelle’s groundbreaking feature returns to theaters nationwide Friday.

In 2014, “Whiplash” was the ultimate Cinderella of independent cinema — a Sundance discovery by a 20-year-old who would become both a box-office smash and an awards darling: It won three Oscars, including for its portrayal of J.K. Simmons, a semi-sadistic, always quotable jazz ensemble teacher; launched Chazelle’s directing career into the celebrity stratosphere; and established Miles Teller as a next-generation movie star. Now, audiences will get another chance to experience it on the big screen.

Chazelle, Teller and Simmons recently spoke to The Associated Press about the film’s re-release, their memories of the 20-day shoot (including when Teller accidentally broke his co-star’s rib) and creating a movie that lasts. Remarks have been edited for clarity and brevity.

AP: How have you seen “Whiplash” take hold in the culture over the past decade?

CHAZELLE: It’s very cool, a little surreal. It doesn’t feel like it was 10 years ago. It’s fun to have a moment like this to relive a little bit.

SIMMONS: It’s reassuring to know that I’m 10 years older. It’s both shocking and great that the movie holds up. I saw it a few days ago in Toronto; it’s a good movie.

TELLER: This is the first time I’ve seen a re-released film. I’m still pretty young in my career, but it’s an incredible film. What frustrates me is that people are always yelling at me, “This is not my rhythm.” So it worked out well.

SIMMONS: Maybe if you find the right rhythm, it won’t be a problem.

TELLER: Maybe there is no right.

AP: Isn’t it a bit like a dream, when someone quotes a sentence to you?

CHAZELLE: Yeah, why are you complaining?

TELLER: It’s just because they never tell me when I do something good. Usually, when I’m in a charity golf tournament and I hit a bad shot, they’ll say, “That’s not my rhythm!”

AP: How did you feel seeing it again on the big screen at the Toronto Film Festival?

SIMMONS: I don’t usually watch my movies over and over. When it came out, I watched it all four times, which is three more times than I usually do. It’s an incredible movie to see in public. I think it was Jason Reitman who asked for a show of hands that he hadn’t seen the movie before, and at least a third of the audience—and these are movie people—hadn’t seen it.

TELLER: I’m disappointed I couldn’t be there, because I remember we were at Sundance and the Eccles Theater and everyone was seeing it for the first time. I remember looking around and seeing all these silhouettes of heads bobbing to the music. There was such an energy in the room. It plays so well in a theater, especially for people who have never seen it before.

SIMMONS: I couldn’t be there for that because I was filming one of my many failed sitcoms. We’re still having the same experience, but we’re not always able to share it in the same room at the same time.

CHAZELLE: When we released it, I always remember it was either Miles or JK (at events and Q&As). I think someone said they must really hate each other.

SIMMONS: I wouldn’t say “hate,” that’s not exactly the word I choose. I’m kidding…

AP: I like a methodical press tour.

TELLER: A movie that starts at Sundance and then goes all the way to the Oscars? It keeps getting released and getting really acclaimed. And now this one? I love these guys. It was really, really fun. It was really, really fun. It was a lot of work, but I had a lot of fun doing it.

SIMMONS: It was an incredible amount of work, as low-budget independent films often are, especially Miles. I had a day and a half off during the shoot. But I mean, it was exhausting and one of the most exciting creative experiences I’ve ever had.

AP: Was that day and a half off related to your broken rib, which I recently heard about?

SIMMONS: You had to bring it up.

TELLER: You’ve been telling this story for 10 years! I said, “Find a stand-in.” You said, “I’m fine.”

SIMMONS: I’ve since realized that I’m just a frail old fart, because I’ve broken my ribs twice since then. Or maybe you broke them so bad that they keep breaking. I don’t know! There are things that happen when you go fast and actors like me are stupid enough to say, “No, go ahead, slam me down on a wooden floor.” But no, I didn’t get a day off after that.

TELLER: You did it.

SIMMONS: Luckily, I was done with all the major screaming in the movie.

AP: JK, did you get shouted lines too?

SIMMONS: I guess the “it’s not my rhythm” thing too, which is weird because it’s like, “What do you mean?”

But it’s amazing to be a part of something, especially something that started small. If you make a Spider-Man movie or a big Tom Cruise movie, you expect that kind of reaction from people on the street because it’s iconic, they have a big marketing budget behind it, and you know billions of people are going to see it. Something like that that started as just a labor of love and a wonderful experience and then becomes something that becomes iconic? There are memes everywhere and it continues to have this life. It’s part of the culture now. It’s especially gratifying.

TELLER: Sometimes my wife yells “for the last time” if she feels like I’m not moving at a good pace.

SIMMONS: Thank you, Keleigh! My goodness, what a beautiful line.

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