
Coastal Shoreline Management Webinar Offered

Coastal Shoreline Management Webinar Offered

The Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition and the Surfrider Foundation are co-hosting an online webinar, “Managing Coastal Pressure: How We’re Responding to Shrinking Beaches and Rising Seas,” at 6 p.m. on September 26.

The webinar will explore how beaches, dunes and shorelines are managed as sea level rise and increased storm surges collide with riprap and other infrastructure.

There will be two presenters: Kevin Herkamp, ​​Ocean Shores Program Coordinator with the Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation; and Rhiannon Bezore, Coastal Specialist with the Oregon Coastal Management Program, part of the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development.

Oregon Shores and Surfrider will also showcase their new Oregon Beaches Forever campaign, a joint effort to foster a statewide conversation about the future of Oregon’s beaches.

The event is free and open to all. To register, go to

For more information, contact Phillip Johnson at 503-754-9303 or [email protected]; or Kaia Hazard at [email protected].