
Am I Having an Asthma Attack?

Am I Having an Asthma Attack?

An asthma attack can be scary and uncomfortable, but try to remain calm. Be sure you always have your prescribed quick-relief medications—like an albuterol inhaler, for example—with you, and that you know how to use them.

“A mild asthma attack usually resolves easily with treatment,” Shum says. “However, an asthma attack can become life-threatening if the symptoms are severe and are not relieved with a rescue inhaler.”

If someone around you is having an asthma attack, help the person sit upright and encourage them to use their usual form of treatment. If you are trained on how to properly administer their medication, provide assistance if needed. Stay with them until the attack eases. If they do not have their quick-relief medication, or the attack worsens, call 911 or take them to an emergency room.

The following symptoms are signs of a severe asthma attack that require emergency medical attention immediately:

  • Lips or fingernails turning purple, blue, or gray
  • Confusion
  • Feeling of breathlessness gets worse
  • Breathlessness that is not relieved with medications

Asthma is a manageable condition. Be sure to always be armed with your medications and know the warning signs of an oncoming attack for prompt intervention.