
Western MA Episcopal Bishop Douglas Fisher Announces Retirement Plan

Western MA Episcopal Bishop Douglas Fisher Announces Retirement Plan

SPRINGFIELD ― Bishop Douglas J. Fisher of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts has announced his intention to retire and has called for the election of the next bishop.

Headquartered in Springfield, the Diocese of Western Massachusetts covers Worcester County and extends west to the New York state line.

“I am extremely blessed to be your bishop,” Bishop Fisher said in a statement released Friday. “For 12 years now, we have collaborated in Jesus’ mission of mercy, compassion and hope. It is in the service of this mission that I announce my retirement plans and that I request the election of the tenth bishop.

The electoral congress will take place in November. The diocesan Standing Committee, based in Springfield, will lead the search and transition work.

“I plan to return lacrosse in March 2026,” Fisher said.

Bishop Fisher, a native of Long Island, New York, was consecrated as the ninth bishop on December 1, 2012. He succeeded Bishop Gordon Paul Scruton, elected in 1996.

In a 2013 interview with the Telegram & Gazette, Bishop Fisher said the Episcopal community should be deeply involved in social justice issues, advocating to combat climate change and gun violence.

In 2019, the nation’s Episcopal bishops adopted a resolution proposed by Bishop Fisher that supported investment in gun manufacturers and retailers with the goal of influencing companies through shareholder advocacy.

In the statement announcing his retirement plans, Bishop Fisher expressed the deep gratitude he and his wife, the Rev. Elizabeth Fisher, feel “for these years with you and for the remaining time of our mutual ministry.”

“You have inspired us with your prayers, your pastoral concern for one another and your commitment to serving those in need,” he said. “Your next bishop will join you in a holy place where the way of love guides relationships and shapes mission. »