
CNN caught spreading fake news and its media expert remains silent on the issue

CNN caught spreading fake news and its media expert remains silent on the issue

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As a sign of how bad Kamala Harris (and the press) is, we now see that they are using the failed “Disney promotions cycle”. This is the practice observed in this studio where he spits woke product, lectures on negative comments, tells the audience that they are not welcome if they are critical, and then blames them for not not support failed production.

Harris has been sold as a DEI candidate, and we’ve already heard that any criticism of her (known) policies is due to her race or the fact that she’s a woman. Today his poll numbers are down, and Katty Kay tells us the problem behind it all is: MEN. And Tim Walz is hoping to attract men to his campaign next week during the vice presidential debate…against a man.

Golden crop -CNN

Last week, on CNN, we saw on a few programs that a photograph of a very portly Donald Trump, standing with Laura Loomer, was broadcast on several shows. Anderson Cooper posted the image as well as the one seen in “The Lead With Jake Tapper” and “Smerconish.” The problem is that this is a manipulated image designed to make Trump appear to weigh almost 350 pounds, by the looks of it.

CNN had to issue an on-air retraction, but what is notable is that Brian Stelter, the network’s media specialist, did not address the embarrassment. He is, after all, the one who would rush to condemn Fox News if that channel had made such a mistake, while blaring about the fact that Fox does not have the journalistic ethics and editorial rigor that CNN possesses. What makes this error more egregious is that the image did not come from a media source but was taken from a random Xitter account. This was a completely reckless move on the network’s part, so much so that Snopes even responded to it.

Paradox of presentation – MSNBC

It’s been a tough week for Stephanie Ruhle. After starting off with a bang as she was named one of the privileged few to speak with Kamala Harris, things quickly escalated. The interview was a disaster content-wise, its flattering approach was laughable, and Ruhle looked ridiculous when she later defended the candidate’s non-answers by saying the questions were too complex.

Today, she responded to a poll that showed how many voters favor the proposal to deport illegal immigrants. She calls the results “crazy”, unable to understand that if a majority of people feel a certain way, then she is the one who has the outlier position on the issue. That is to say, it brings her much closer to being crazy.

Demo project – MSNBC

I don’t want to talk about Ms. Ruhle’s week, but an additional detail emerged following her holistic interview with Kamala Harris. The level of interest can be measured as follows:
The 7:00 p.m. broadcast was beaten in terms of audience by a regular Laura Ingraham show.

Antisocial media –HOLLYWOOD

This weekend, Francis Ford Coppala’s film, “Megalopolis,” opens and is expected to be a theatrical bomb. It cost $120 million to film, and the marketing cost even more. The film is expected to release with less than $10 million this weekend.

Aubrey Plaza plays a corrupt journalist, and on “The Daily Show” she says she prepared for this by watching “a lot of Fox News.”

Report on the mirror – NEWS SCRIPPS SERVICE

Right after Disney announced 200 job cuts, comes the announcement that Scripps will cut its staff by 80%!

Two hundred people are unemployed because the company will operate with a reduced workforce of 50 employees.