
Dear Abby: I’m worried that rowdy children won’t behave well at my son’s wedding.

Dear Abby: I’m worried that rowdy children won’t behave well at my son’s wedding.

DEAR ABBY: I recently attended the funeral of a family member. During the 90-minute service, my great-nieces and nephews (ages 3-6) were running around the church. Their parents said nothing and allowed them to continue.

After the service, we were all invited to a sit-down meal in the banquet hall of an upscale restaurant. Again, the children (ages 3-13) were allowed to run around, screaming and hitting each other on the dance floor in the center of the room. The noise became deafening, with no regard for the older participants. Again, the parents seemed unconcerned with the noise and did nothing to stop it.

My son is getting married in two months. Many of the children who attended the funeral will be present at the wedding. How do I respond to the fact that I don’t want the same performance from these kids at the wedding and reception? My husband and I are spending a large amount of money on this event, and I don’t want to leave early because of the loud noise and embarrassment. — DEARING IT IN COLORADO

DEAR, I dread it: I don’t blame you for not wanting anyone, regardless of age, to harm your son’s marriage. Now that you are aware of the behavior and lack of discipline of young people close to you, you will have to deal with it directly. Inform parents that this behavior will not be tolerated or welcome. When you receive retaliation (and you will), all you have to do is point out what happened at the funeral and the dinner that followed.