
When Michael Jordan explained how a finger injury influenced his decision to retire in 1998

When Michael Jordan explained how a finger injury influenced his decision to retire in 1998

After the Bulls’ last dance, Michael Jordan announced his retirement for several reasons. With Phil Jackson no longer in the picture, Michael Jackson honored his promise to never play for another manager. Sam Smith also addressed the issue of burnout, stating that Mike didn’t need a lot of time to think. Shortly after the Bulls won their sixth NBA title, he announced his retirement.

But there was also the story of Michael quitting due to a serious injury to the index finger of his shooting hand, which could have changed his style of play if he had continued.

Michael Jordan and Isiah Thomas

Michael celebrated the Bulls’ sixth ring by taking a vacation to the Bahamas. There he used a “cheap” cigar cutter and accidentally cut his index finger. After being taken to the emergency room, he was treated there. Upon returning to Chicago, he went to former Bulls doctor John Hefferon and attempted to repair the damage.

“When Hefferon did the surgery, I saw all the ligament damage that I had already suffered from numerous dislocations of my fines,” MJ told the Sun-Times via CBS. “So the only thing he could do was reattach the tendon. He said, ‘You’re going to lose some mobility, there’s nothing I can do.’

Jordan claimed the injury impacted his golf grip and following surgery he was unable to hold a baseball bat. When asked how this affected his basketball skills, Michael Jordan said he lost the edge he had over most players.

“I can still shoot,” Jordan added. “But I can’t quite grasp the ball. I’m having trouble winning it back by dribbling like before.”

Mike possessed one of the largest hands in NBA history, which allowed him to have exceptional ball control. Current and former NBA players agree that his bigger hands improved his game. This gave MJ a huge advantage over his opponents, according to a statement made by Phil Jackson himself.

ALSO READ: When Michael Jordan expressed his disappointment with the Jordan rule book