
Singer-songwriter Mariee Siou’s musical journey inspired by risk-taking

Singer-songwriter Mariee Siou’s musical journey inspired by risk-taking

May 8—Mariee Siou really misses the sun.

The California native recently moved to Portland, Oregon, where there’s a lot less sunshine during her days.

She doesn’t let this distract her from her goals.

“I’m always working on different types of projects, including activism,” she says. “It’s all part of the same job because it’s all infused.”

The singer-songwriter hits the road for her spring tour and will stop at the Fuller Lodge Art Center in Los Alamos on Saturday, May 11. She will then perform at Fusion 708 on Sunday, May 12.

“I’m so excited to come back to New Mexico,” she says. “It reminds me of where I grew up, in the mountains of California.”

Siou released “Circle of Signs” in 2023, and it’s a stripped-down acoustic record.

“There’s a lot more embellishment,” she says. “It was fun to play with new sounds.”

On her current tour, Siou will be accompanied by her guitar and a few accompanying performers, including her partner.

Siou has been an independent artist for over 20 years and has learned a few things along the way.

“I spent two decades learning things in an ever-changing freelance world,” she says. “I started releasing music before the industry went digital. I experienced this big change. I was able to navigate the waters and realms. I eventually found a really good booking agent , which helped me take a lot of things off my plate.

Siou has developed over the years a writing practice that suits him.

“I journal in the morning,” she says. “I would say I try not to be so intentional when I write. Sometimes lines come and songs form from that. Each piece is helpful in the process. I also don’t pick up the guitar every days I wait for the guitar to call me and then we make things happen.”

With eight albums under his belt, Siou admits it has become difficult to put together a set list for tours.

She learned to love some of the older songs again as she got older.

“I’ve developed new relationships with song over the intervening two decades,” she says. “The songs change and morph. The set covers most of my musical time. Most of the set is usually reflected in what’s happening in the world. These songs are the most powerful.”

The biggest lesson Siou has learned during her music career is that she belongs on stage.

Growing up, she knew she was not a natural performer due to her apprehension of being on stage.

“It was never my dream,” she says. “I was an artist and a writer, and I thought I was going to become a photojournalist who explored my humanity and incorporated my art. I never imagined I would write songs, but everything happens spontaneously for me. I was in Argentina with a tribe in Patagonia, and that’s where I learned the guitar and started writing songs. It was a journey for me on stage as well.”