
Rudy Giuliani’s radio show canceled due to election lies

Rudy Giuliani’s radio show canceled due to election lies

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, file

Rudy Giuliani X announced on Friday that he had been “FIRED” from his WABC radio show for refusing to stop talking about the 2020 election, which Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden.

“I was just fired by John Catsimatidis and @77WABCradio because I refused to stop talking about the 2020 US Presidential Election,” Giuliani wrote on X.

The New York Times reported that WABC suspended Giuliani and canceled its daily talk show for violating company policy “by attempting to discuss discredited claims about the 2020 presidential election on air.”

On Thursday’s show, Giuliani spoke out against the suspension of his law license for supporting the false claim that the election was stolen from Trump, something the former president and his allies like Giuliani continue to do to promote despite the total absence of evidence.

“He was in the middle of a sentence when the control room employees interrupted him.” The temperature reported.

Catsimatidis is the billionaire Republican businessman who owns WABC. He made a brief statement to The temperature Friday:

“We’re not going to talk

on the mistakes of the November 2020 elections,” Mr. Catsimatidis said in a brief telephone interview. “We warned him once. We warned him twice. And I get a text from him last night, and I get a text from him this morning saying he refuses to not talk about it. “So,” continued Mr. Catsimatidis, “he left me no option. I suspended it.

Real America’s Voice released a clip of Giuliani talking about the election on its show.

“I’ve talked about the 2020 election from the day I realized it was rigged until now, and I’ve talked about it on this channel, I would say 1,000 times,” Giuliani said. “They are now telling me that there was a policy that I was not allowed to speak about the 2020 election. I had never heard of this policy until yesterday.

Giuliani served as that of Donald Trump personal attorney and played a major role in trying to overturn the 2020 election results.

The temperature reported that the loss of the radio show could prove financially difficult for the former New York mayor:

Mr. Guiliani’s withdrawal from WABC, one of his only current sources of income, could worsen the legal and financial problems that have accumulated for him since then. The suspension will also deny it one of its last mainstream public platforms. Giuliani has been criminally charged in two states, Georgia and Arizona, for his role in efforts to overturn the law.

2020 results and has been involved in a number of recent lawsuits. He has also been besieged by creditors, including two Georgia election officials he defamed in the aftermath of the 2020 election and to whom he now owes $148 million.