
French government slams Kristi Noem for shocking allegations about Emmanuel Macron in new book

French government slams Kristi Noem for shocking allegations about Emmanuel Macron in new book

French officials are disputing a passage in South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s controversial new book that claims she canceled a meeting with Emmanuel Macron because of his comments about the war against Hamas in Israel.

Critics slammed Noem’s book “No Going Back” after she told the story of shooting her family dog ​​and claimed to have met North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Her latest controversial anecdote claims that she canceled a meeting with the French president because of “anti-Israeli” remarks, which the government denies.

“During my stay in Paris, I was to meet French President Emmanuel Macron. However, the day before our meeting, he made what I consider to be a very pro-Hamas and anti-Israeli comment to the press. So I decided to cancel,” Noem said in a passage from the book obtained by NBC News.

However, a representative for Macron said there was no record of a planned meeting between two people and denied ever inviting her to a meeting.

French authorities are disputing a passage in South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s controversial new book.
Noem claimed to have canceled a meeting with the French president because of “anti-Israeli” remarks, which the government denies
Critics slammed Noem’s book “No Going Back” after she told the story of shooting her family dog ​​and claimed to have met North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

“The governor was invited to sit in President Macron’s box for the Armistice parade at the Arc de Triomphe,” said Ian Fury, the governor’s communications chief.

“Following her anti-Israel comments, she chose to cancel,” Fury said. Adding that Macron “was not present either”.

Long considered a leading candidate for former President Donald Trump’s possible running mate, Noem released her book “No Going Back” after meeting with Trump at Mar-a-Lago to discuss the idea of ​​joining him on the list of candidates.

Political operatives, journalists and media figures extensively ridiculed Noem after uncovering a story in her book that she shot her dog “Cricket” with a shotgun when he developed a propensity to attack domestic animals. the farm.

Noem cited this story as proof that she could make tough decisions, regardless of the personal and professional cost.

She defended her decision in a number of cable and network interviews this weekend, despite the torrent of criticism she received online regarding her decision.

Noem cited the story of her dog shooting as proof that she could make tough decisions, regardless of the personal and professional cost.

“All of this shows that when you put someone in a position where they have to make a decision and they want to protect their family and protect children and other people from attacks by an animal that has attacked others and killed livestock, that’s the choice I made over 20 years ago,” she said in an interview on CBS Face the Nation.

“And that I didn’t ask someone else to take that responsibility for me, that I had to make that decision myself.”

Noem refused to admit that she falsely claimed to have met Kim Jong Un, only confirming to CBS that she had “made some changes” to the book before its release.

“I’m not going to talk about my specific meetings with world leaders, I’m just not going to do it.” This anecdote should not have been in the book, and as soon as it was brought to my attention, I made sure it was corrected,” she said.

Trump has long been a fan of Noem’s political personality, but acknowledged her struggles in the media during an interview with Spectrum News 1 Wisconsin.

“I don’t want to comment on anyone on the list,” Trump said. “But she’s had a rough few days, I’ll say that.”