
Pope Francis offers message of love and forgiveness at ‘Arena of Peace’ event

Pope Francis offers message of love and forgiveness at ‘Arena of Peace’ event

Pope Francis offered a message of reconciliation and compassion to all on Saturday as he led a series of dialogues at an ancient Roman amphitheater in the Italian city of Verona.

Speaking from the city made famous in modern times by Shakespeare’s plays – “Two Gentlemen of Verona” and “Romeo and Juliet” – Francis spoke of “Arena of Peace – justice and peace shall embrace “, a series of round tables upon a series of round tables. issues that have been at the heart of his papacy such as climate change, migration, the economy and disarmament.

Some of Francis’ strongest words came as part of a longer discussion about efforts to end war in the 21st century, amplified by the more than two-year-old war in Ukraine, to push back he Russian invasion and Israel’s highly destructive war to eradicate Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

“To put an end to all forms of war and violence,” Francis said, according to the Vatican news agency. “We must stand alongside the youngest, respect their dignity, listen to them and ensure that their voice is heard without being filtered. »

Before meeting the public in the amphitheater, the Holy Father met with local priests, deacons and other men and women consecrated in the city’s Romanesque basilica, the Basilica of Saint Zeno, which he called one of the finest examples of such structures in Italy. . He said the basilica’s design reminded him of a ship and that those he gathered there with were “all sailing the seas of history to spread the joy of the Gospel.”

This is the first year that François has chaired the “Arena for Peace” event.