
Watch: Woman caught throwing puppies in trash, arrested after video goes viral

Watch: Woman caught throwing puppies in trash, arrested after video goes viral

Thanks to the video posted on the Internet, the police were able to identify the woman and the man who accompanied her.

Watch: Woman caught throwing puppies in trash, arrested after video goes viral

Trending news: A horrible video has disappeared viral online, showing a woman throwing two helpless puppies into a trash can. This horrific act occurred in Louisiana on June 2. The video shows the woman walking toward a dumpster with a puppy in her arms. Another puppy follows her. Without any worries, the woman throws the first puppy in the trash. Then, shockingly, she picks up the second puppy and throws it away too.

People who saw the video online were very angry. One person said they wanted the woman to be heavily fined for her cruelty. Another person couldn’t understand why someone would do something so horrible to these poor puppies. They hoped someone would be kind enough to find the puppies and punish the woman severely.

Thanks to the video posted online, police were able to identify the woman and the man who accompanied her as Jasmine Mounton and Kendall Tyler. Police released their own video showing Mounton clearly throwing the puppies in the dumpster.