
When will parents receive the offers?

When will parents receive the offers?

Parents across the country will find out on Tuesday April 16 if their children have secured a place at their first choice school.

National Primary School Offer Day is the day when parents find out which schools have accepted their children for admission in September.

When applying, parents can submit a top school choice, as well as backup options.

And if parents are not offered their first choice, they can appeal that offer.

When is primary school offer day 2024?

Parents and guardians will be notified which school their child has received offers from on Tuesday, April 16.

On this day, local councils inform parents which primary schools have offered places to their three and four-year-old children.

Counseling will contact families by email or letter.

The time of announcements will vary depending on the municipality.

How likely is it that I will get the primary school of my first choice?

Parents were told they would likely get their first choice place if they met catchment area requirements.

The UK government said that in 2022, 92.2 percent of families received an offer from their first choice of primary school and 98.1 percent received an offer from one of their first three choices.

What happens after you receive an offer of a place at a school?

Once you have been allocated a school, a parent or guardian must formally accept the offer within a certain time frame, specific to each local authority.

When you receive notification from the assigned school, you will receive a step-by-step guide on how to proceed.

You can also add your child’s name to the waitlist of any school you have applied to. Schools maintain a waiting list for at least one term.

How are the locations decided?

Each local authority has different criteria but normally certain factors are taken into account such as:

  • Those who live near the school;

  • Those who already have a brother or sister at school;

  • Those of a particular religion (for faith schools);

  • Those whose parent has worked at the school for two years or more

Can parents appeal the decision?

Parents and guardians dissatisfied with the school offered to them can appeal. Parents are advised to accept the proposed school, even if they appeal, in case the process takes time or the appeal is rejected.

Parents or guardians who wish to appeal a decision should first contact the school’s admission authority.

The case will then be referred to an independent committee who will review the case presented by both the admission authority and the parent before making a decision.

During the first stage of the appeal, the jury will decide whether the admission arrangements were in accordance with the law and whether they were applied impartially and correctly.

In the second stage, the panel will assess the impact on the school in relation to the reason the child is admitted.

The results must be communicated in writing within five working days of the appeal.