
No room for childcare at Leg Hall – Town Square Delaware LIVE

No room for childcare at Leg Hall – Town Square Delaware LIVE

tunnel daycaretunnel daycare

This StudioJAED rendering shows the scale of the legislative hall expansion project.

Child care was on the wish list for an expanded legislative chamber, as well as a controlled-access parking lot connected by a tunnel that lawmakers or staff could use.

Philip Conte and architects StudioJAED recommended against building a tunnel for various reasons, but the legislative building committee still voted in favor of a tunnel.

On Friday, Conte told the committee that there was no room for child care given the available space, unless other programs were cut or the space was reallocated, and that would require 35 square feet per child.

If Delaware included child care, they would be the only state to offer that in the State House, according to a survey by Mark Cutrona, deputy director of the Research Division.

Still, Jesse Chadderdon, chief of staff for the Delaware State Senate Majority Caucus, questioned whether the committee had time to appoint a group to study its feasibility.

Conte said architects hope to submit some plans within a month. That effectively meant no time, especially with the General Assembly in its final two weeks of session and the July 4 recess that followed.

Child care requests

Chadderdon said he understood what Comte was saying.

“I would say that as knowledge of this project has grown, at least in my experience, what I hear from current employees and even members is that the care of children is actually a pretty big need or want among people who are currently in the building. said Chadderdon.

Laura Wisniewski, chief of staff for House Democrats, said she understood what Comte was saying, but wanted to echo Chadderdon.

“Members and staff as well as members of the public have expressed the need for child care in our building,” she said. “So I think it would be something if…we were to submit the plan, but we might have some wiggle room to make changes or be able to look at this at a deeper level…at least have that to be reviewed, I think that would be the case.” be useful.”

Again, it’s just the challenges that we have even with some of our members and staff who have children and obviously that impacts their availability in the building and their ability to function. I just want to echo those sentiments and you know the arguments for having a child care system in the building. I understand the space limitations, but it can be difficult, but just as needed.

Several other committee members asked to check with area daycares and even Delaware State University, which is building a daycare.

Rep. Lyndon Yearick, R-Camden, a committee member, proposed voting for up or down child care.

Comte said there are strict rules regarding child care spaces that include entrances, exits and kitchens, as well as indoor and outdoor spaces.

Chadderdon said he’s not sure if Leg Hall needs full child care, but hasn’t really finished thinking.

The vote was one yes, four no, four non-voters – including Chadderdon and Wisniewski – and four absent. It was not a majority vote, so Yearick’s motion failed.

The committee also:

  • Discussion of gift shop options, including transforming the nearby area into a mini welcome center.
  • We talked about dietary options, including making better vegetarian, vegan, and diet-specific enhancements.
  • He agreed not to install Wi-Fi in the parking lot, although Wisniewski said some staff members like to go to work in their cars. However, builders will install special conduit during construction that could one day be used to add Wi-Fi, which would require a “significant” number of repeaters to cope with thick concrete and brick construction.
  • Agreed to put Wi-Fi in the courtyard, which will have a covered walkway from the entrance to the back of the building.

Delaware State Senate Republican Chief of Staff Deanna Killen voted no on child care at Leg Hall.

“I initially supported the idea of ​​looking into the issue,” she said, “but I think it’s important to listen to StudioJAED’s recommendations. They are recommending that we not move forward for a number of reasons and they are the professionals. »