
Paradox’s Sims competitor Life By You has been canceled

Paradox’s Sims competitor Life By You has been canceled

Fans of cozy life simulators received sad news today. Paradox Interactive has announced that Life By You, its highly anticipated life simulator, has been discontinued. This is disappointing for fans of the project as it was seen as competition for EA’s title. The Sims series.

THE Life through you Cancelation

The cancellation of Life through you was announced in a message on the Paradox forum by Deputy CEO Mattias Lilja. Lilja mentions that the decision was difficult and that Paradox did not meet expectations.

A screenshot from Life By You, showing two characters in a living room.  A chat window with statistics is visible at the bottom of the screen.
I guess we won’t see this being refined any further.

Lilja goes on to state that the developers had a good shot at realizing the game’s potential, citing two different delays as well as the choice to delay an early access release.

A few weeks ago, we decided to delay the release of an early access version in order to re-evaluate Life through you, as we still felt the game was lacking in some key areas. Although a deadline extension was an option, once we took that break to take a broader view of the game, it became clear to us that the path to a release we were confident in was far too long and uncertain. . This isn’t to say that the game didn’t show any promising qualities; Life through you had a number of strong points and the hard work of a dedicated team who worked to achieve them. However, when we get to a point where we feel that more time won’t get us close enough to a version that we would be happy with, then we think it’s best to stop. This is obviously difficult and disappointing for everyone who has devoted their time and enthusiasm to this project, especially when our decision comes so late in the process.

Overall, Lilja’s explanation of Life through you cancellation is measured and principled; hold management accountable. It puts into perspective the promises and ambition touted by the game on its Steam store page. It also spoils our preview of the game, which was promising.

The cancellation of Life through you This is a shame for fans of the recent trend of cozy games. Life simulators are built around pleasant suburban environments and a relaxed atmosphere. These include high-profile releases like Disney Dreamlight Valleyand smaller indie titles like Cozy grove.