
Decades of politicians playing with A-Levels and GCSEs have left students with a confusing and unfair system

Decades of politicians playing with A-Levels and GCSEs have left students with a confusing and unfair system

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<p>In 2023, Rishi Sunak presented a proposal for change to the education system in England: scrapping the current A-level system and introducing the Advanced British Standard.  This would allow students to study more subjects after age 16 in a baccalaureate-style system.</p>
<p>The outcome of the general election may decide whether students will actually earn this degree.  But this shake-up in how student achievement is measured would be just the latest in a series of significant changes since the conservative-liberal-democrat coalition came to power in 2010.</p>
<p>Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Education from 2010 to 2014, was the architect of much of this change in England.</p>
<p>Gove argued in 2009 that education standards were “numbing”.  His solution was to change the modular qualifications structure, introduced under the Labor government.  This had allowed students to accumulate modules over time, taking courses throughout the year, rather than studying for two years and taking a series of exams at the end.</p>
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<p>I disagree with Gove that there has been any dumbing down of educational standards.  But he was right that students spent a lot of time preparing for and taking the modular assessments.  Its two most significant changes were the return to linear assessment – ​​exams at the end of a long period of study – and a change in the marking of GCSE exams.</p>
<p>A levels have been returned to their old structure and the AS and A2 modules introduced in 2000 have been phased out.  This is arguably a backward step given that evidence shows that exams alone are simply not a fair way to assess learning and show what students know and can do.</p>
<p>In certain subjects, girls systematically perform better than boys, and vice versa.  Students from poorer backgrounds are at a disadvantage in exams compared to their wealthier peers.</p>
<p>The move from letter grading (A*-G) to numbers (9-1) for GCSEs, which began in 2017, once again presents an interesting policy decision.  The addition of higher grades, seven to nine, was intended to allow better differentiation between high-performing students.</p>
<p>However, such accuracy in ranking may no longer matter.  When young people could leave school at 16, GCSE grades were more important.  Since 2015, however, the age at which young people in England can leave education or training has been raised to 18, a change planned in the Education and Skills Act 2008.</p>
<p>This raises the question of whether GCSEs in so many subjects are really necessary, or whether precision in top grades is necessary when GCSEs are just a means of qualifying for a future course.</p>
<h2>Vocational education</h2>
<p>In 2020, the introduction of T Levels for 16-year-olds provided students with the opportunity to undertake industry placements and provided a nationally recognized alternative qualification for those wishing to study vocational or applied subjects .  The T-level program has also been presented as a way to improve perceptions of professional learning and assessment.</p>
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Top-down view of students around a table working on an electronics project.Top-down view of students around a table working on an electronics project.

However, the T level program is only offered in limited locations: 367 of England’s 3,793 secondary schools and further education colleges. They remain the poor relation compared to the more “academic” baccalaureates: some universities still do not accept T baccalaureates to access courses. This perhaps explains the introduction of the Advanced British Standard.

The Advanced British Standard is not a specific qualification. This is a framework of qualifications reflecting some of the post-16 portfolio designs of other European countries. Students can choose a range of subjects, with specialization in some, with the option of combining academic and professional qualifications.

The proposition of being able to build a portfolio of evidence is attractive because it reflects a more representative view of individual student achievements. It remains to be seen whether it will be developed during the next government mandate, given the scale of the challenges currently facing the public education system.

Restore trust

Perhaps the most important issue any new government must address when it comes to the testing system is public trust. In 2020, when exams were canceled due to pandemic lockdowns, students received externally assigned grades. These were later withdrawn due to allegations of unfairness – before teacher-predicted grades were used instead. These poor policy decisions have cast a long shadow of distrust over the fairness of our assessment systems.

Exams regulator Ofqual’s annual survey of perceptions of GCSEs shows that less than half of respondents are confident that the qualifications represent a reliable standard over time and that grading is accurate.

A valuable opportunity to change how assessment works was missed post-pandemic. This time could have been used to reflect not only on what happened in 2020, but also on what could be different. The rush to return to normal has led us back to focusing on testing rather than thinking about better ways to assess and document learning.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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Mary Richardson does not work for, consult, own shares in, or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond her academic appointment.