
Aditi Singh of Saratoga Springs ready to transform medicine | News

Aditi Singh of Saratoga Springs ready to transform medicine |  News

Singh established herself as a top student, taking what she learned in the classroom and applying it to her work outside of school while pursuing her dream of working in medicine. She was also an integral part of a number of school clubs including the Key Club, Future Medical Leaders, Chemistry Club and the school newspaper.

“One of the clubs that has had the biggest impact on me is the Key Club,” she said. “It’s a volunteer service organization…I’ve been a member since my freshman year. It really showed me the impact that volunteering can have on other people and it helped me grow as a leader as I was able to hold different positions within the club, from treasurer to president. ‘last year.

Singh’s passion for helping others has been fueled by her community service work, and it has also translated into the work she hopes to do in the medical field in the future. She had the opportunity to delve into this field for the first time while participating in the Next-Gen Neuroscience program offered by Albany Medical College.

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“I was able to get into a lab working specifically on sleep studies and sleep disorders,” she said. “I was involved in studying and synthesizing the work they were doing on people with obstructive sleep apnea, and that was sort of my first taste of medical research. Seeing what I learned in class unfold in front of me and seeing how it can have real effects on real people was really interesting. It only made me want to do more.

Singh was recognized by her peers for her genuine love of learning and her willingness to always work towards her goals, traits she said were inspired by a few role models in her life.

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“My parents are without a doubt a major source of inspiration for me. We left Singapore for Germany and America when I was in first year. My family is from India, so combining my family’s culture with American culture was really interesting and it contributed to my work ethic,” she said. “Since I was little, my parents always instilled in me that I had to work hard to get where I want to be and always achieve it. It pushed me to always do my best in school and work as hard as possible in everything I get involved in.

Singh’s love for the medical field was fueled in particular by her sixth grade science teacher, Mr. Riley, who motivated her to follow the path to becoming a woman in STEM.

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“He’s the one who inspired me to really pursue STEM and science.” He always encouraged me by reminding me that I am actually good at science and that I should definitely do something about it. I feel like that’s where I got that push, knowing that I really wanted to do something in the STEM field, specifically in biology. she says.

Not only were his role models and natural aptitude for science major factors in Singh’s goals in the medical field, but also his childhood experience caring for people with autoimmune diseases.

“My biggest dream is to become a physician-scientist so that I can really contribute to advancing the knowledge and treatment of autoimmune diseases. I grew up around people who are affected by it and I saw how difficult it can be to live with them,” she said. “Being able to help all of these people live better lives is very important to me, because chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases can be difficult to spot on the surface. Beneath the surface, the struggles are really difficult to fight.

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Singh plans to attend Boston University in the fall majoring in biomedical engineering and plans to eventually attend medical school.

“The experiences I have had throughout high school, from volunteering to research programs to the clubs I participate in, have really given me the idea to follow exactly what I want to do,” said she declared. “I think I had the chance to see and experience all these new things at school, and it confirmed to me that medicine is the path I want to go.” Honestly, I’m really excited to see where this can take me.

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