
There is no famine in Gaza, but the pro-Hamas crowd remains silent in the face of this big news

There is no famine in Gaza, but the pro-Hamas crowd remains silent in the face of this big news

The so-called famine in Gaza never happened. It has never been anything other than Hamas propaganda eagerly consumed by the left, the media, and the clueless Biden administration.

The United Nations food security agency announced this month that it believed analysis suggesting a famine was underway was not “plausible” and lacked “supporting evidence.” .

It turns out that the numbers from the Famine Early Warning System (a USAID project) were complete bullshit: that analysis excluded all private sector food deliveries and much of the Program’s aid. world food.

Thus, he “found” that less than half of Gazan’s daily caloric needs were met, while the actual figures indicate that up to 157% of caloric needs were met.

This is not to say that hunger is not a problem, or that people do not have difficulty getting enough to eat: this is a war zone, after all, and Hamas regularly supplies itself with relief exclusively for its own private stocks.

But blaming Hamas for Israel’s war for causing the famine is just another of many specious accusations leveled against Israel by prosecutors at the United Nations and the International Criminal Court – and repeated in the New York Times and elsewhere. other pro-Hamas media.

Not that you know the threat of famine is false, given the resounding silence in the media or among self-proclaimed martyrs to the Palestinian cause on Twitter.

Where are the cheers and sighs of relief from the Times?

Of course, President Biden (and his acolytes) have also echoed this lie by seeking to show that he “cares” in order to appease the mob. “When Jews fight back, it’s genocide” .

Which raises the question of why the USAID-backed network has rigged the books to suggest famine is coming.

And why so many “news” organizations have swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

This is blatant media bias: an “honest mistake” by journalists and editors eager to portray the Jewish state as monstrous, to buy propaganda criticizing Israel’s allegedly cruel restrictions on entry of food aid into Gaza.

Once again, such a blockage of food aid was due to Hamas theft.

The lack of seriousness and incompetence of the Biden team is summed up here by the emergency dock demanded by the president in his State of the Union address, the construction of which took months, began almost instantly to collapse and is about to be decommissioned after managing to unload only a bare. paltry aid – all apparently seized by the terrorists.

So when the terror-loving media starts screaming about alleged Israeli atrocities – don’t worry, it won’t be long – remember their total silence on this tremendous good news.

And understand that those who shout don’t like Palestinians, they just hate Jews.