
15 Tips Stylists Use to Beautify Any Room

15 Tips Stylists Use to Beautify Any Room

You know those beautiful pieces you frequently see in magazines? Well, those cute farmhouse kitchens, airy bedrooms, and well-appointed porches probably had a little help. To prepare for a home photo, magazines usually send a professional prop stylist who is well-versed in the art of helping a room show off in its best light.

Not to be confused with designers, prop stylists are masters at moving things around, often working with items owners already have on hand in a way that is more pleasing to the eye (and , yes, to the camera). From perfecting pillows to rearranging shelves, these seasoned “zhush-ers” are full of tools and tactics that can truly transform a space. That’s why we asked a few of our favorite professional accessory stylists from around the country to reveal their picks. -the tricks of the trade.

a sample of items in a stylist's toolkitPinterest
David Hillegas

A sampling of items from a stylist’s arsenal, including vintage books and eucalyptus branches.

“Kiss the board. »

“Don’t underestimate the power of a tray for organizing things,” says Los Angeles-based stylist Liz Strong. For example, a coffee maker, bean grinder, mugs, and blends might look a little cluttered on a counter, until you place it all on one tray and suddenly have a cohesive coffee station. The trays are especially useful near the stove (for salt, olive oil, vinegar), on a bathroom cabinet or on an entry table.

When in doubt, hang it lower.

New York stylist Matthew Gleason advises against hanging art too high, which he says is quite common among homeowners. A good rule of thumb is to hang artwork so that the center is at eye level. Generally speaking, a center of 57 inches from the ground is a good estimate of eye level.

“Enlarge the size of the pillow inserts. »

This 22 inch pillow cover will look better and fuller with a 24 inch insert, not a 22 inch insert. (Psst(Those in the know swear Restoration Hardware has the best inserts.) If you’d rather not buy a new pillow, Texas stylist Becki Griffin recommends stuffing the soft corners of your not-so-soft pillows with a generous handful of Poly- thread. “It costs a few dollars, but your pillows will look like a million dollars,” she says.

pillows on a bench

Brie Williams
Now, *those* are really soft pillows, expertly styled by Matthew Gleason.

Raid the tackle box »

Yes really! To help draperies hang straighter, our experts suggest opening the bottom hem and inserting fishing weights into both corners. This can also be helpful if your draperies hang a little too short.

“Embrace art in unlikely places. »

Oil paintings in the kitchen? Bring it! California stylist Heather Bullard recommends displaying art in unexpected places. Some of her favorite examples include the interior of a curio cabinet, propped up on a dresser, nestled among books on a shelf, or layered against the wall on the floor. (Psst: for great sources of vintage art, go here.)

Hudson Valley cuisinePinterest
A piece of art (or even a bust!) adds warmth and quirkiness to this Hudson Valley kitchen with Zio and Sons tile.

“Ban cord-cutting. »

Hiding an electrical cord by running it under a rug doesn’t do any good if there’s still an unsightly bump within sight. To avoid this, look for flat cords that will keep the rugs smooth.

Relax Shelves.

First things first: Several stylists we spoke to told us not to push your books flush to the back of the shelf. Instead, you want the spines to be a little closer to the outer edge of the shelf, or at least split the difference. Next, create a few horizontal stacks that use your larger books (think coffee table books) and stagger them (one stack per shelf or every other shelf). These stacks also make a nice place to display items other than books, preferably curved or round items to offset any straight lines. Then, stack vertically oriented books at jig-jogging height so there is variation. (Also consider removing dust jackets.) If you’re short on books, try layering with artwork, pottery, or even straw hats.

Long Island farm of antiques dealer Hadley Wiggins Marin owner of North Fork antique store North Found Co and Daniele Marin living room storage, shelving

Buy the breadboard.

Although stylists work primarily with objects on hand, they also bring a few tried-and-true pieces to each photoshoot. For example, antique breadboards were mentioned many times. Some stylists have mentioned how they can bring a nice warmth to an all-white kitchen; Mississippi-based stylist Page Mullins says she also likes to prop them up against a backsplash to hide electrical outlets.

RELATED: 100+ Best Places to Buy Antiques and Vintage Online

“Show your runs.”

“Stack your weekly fresh produce in large wooden bowls on your island or counters,” says Heather Bullard. “Dynamism adds so much life to a kitchen!” » Stylists particularly love a bowl of lemons. (Now that you know this, you never will not notice this.) Also in frequent rotation: artichokes.

Vary the height.

“When decorating open kitchen shelving, I like to vary the height of the pieces,” says Heather. “For example: place a bowl next to a taller pitcher rather than a bowl next to a stack of plates of similar height.”

RELATED: Dream Open Shelving Ideas for Your Kitchen

kitchen with open shelves\, woodPinterest
John Allsopp

A bowl of produce? Check. A tray near the stove? Check. A breadboard? Check.

“Invest in a good steamboat. »

Ironing can be tedious. Although sometimes a necessity, prop stylists swear by portable steamers for on-the-fly repairs related to sink skirts, table linens, drapery panels, or pillows.. (Psst: A favorite – and easily packable – version is the Nori Press iron/steam combo.)

“Bring the baskets.”

Woven baskets can help keep certain items out of sight while still adding texture to a space. “Unlike their plastic counterparts,” says Heather Bullard, “beautiful utilitarian objects can serve double duty (useful and decorative).”

“Go big with the branches. »

“Large, oversized items, like huge cut branches in a vase on a kitchen island, will enhance a space with their dramatic size,” says Heather Bullard. Birmingham, Alabama, stylist Kathleen Varner seconds the impact of chunky branches, preferably plucked from your own garden. “With fodder branches you can get bigger and bigger.”

South Carolina river house owners, Gerard and Shelia Frey, home designed by Jim Strickland of Historic Concepts, interior and textile designer Heather Chadduck Hillegas bedroom Pinterest

“Be original.”

“An often overlooked element when styling is to include a little whimsy,” says Heather Bullard. “An imperfect piece of studio pottery, a feather found nestled in a picture frame, a piece of art from your child, or a piece from your grandmother’s owl collection all help bring a touch of history and surprise to your style. »

“Consider the rule of three.”

Groups of three are considered more pleasing to the eye, which is why you’ll often see thumbnails featuring trios of elements. Go further and remember the three Bs: bowls (for odds and ends), boxes and big books. For good measure, add another one of our favorite Bs: brass. A brass object on top of this stack of books is the finishing touch that will make the whole arrangement shine.

Portrait of Rachel Barrett

Rachel Barrett is the editor-in-chief of To live in the countryside. She can’t pass up a vintage seascape, drives a 1989 Woody Wagoneer (that’s when it starts), and hopes to buy you a lemonade at a future Country Living Fair.