
Mo Troper sues Maya Stoner (Floating Room) for defamation over abuse allegations

Mo Troper sues Maya Stoner (Floating Room) for defamation over abuse allegations

Earlier this year, Floating Room’s Maya Stoner accused former romantic partner and Portland musician Mo Troper of physical and emotional abuse. Troper denied the allegations, but was dropped from his label Lame-O Records. Now Troper is suing Stoner for defamation.

Stoner allegedly engaged in rhetorical attacks and harassment online and by telephone against Troper, his family and friends since March and ignored attempts to resolve the issue without litigation. A cease and desist letter also went unanswered.

Along with defamation, Troper filed claims for interference with business relations, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and invasion of privacy. He is seeking injunctive relief, non-economic damages in the amount of $200,000 and economic damages in the amount of $75,000. In a statement, Troper said:

The economic and reputational damage caused by Maya’s claims has been devastating; I am currently going back to school to be able to change career paths. The resulting emotional damage was at times unbearable. Feeling completely scared and terrified, I ended up in the emergency room in March.

Their specific claims about me are not based in reality. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, that our relationship was tumultuous. I also support survivors of abuse, but I did not abuse Maya. I cannot accept that the portrait of me that now exists in society is that of a violent abuser. With the exception of a public statement shortly after Maya made the first accusations, I remained mostly silent during this period. But I refuse to let this person harass me any longer.