
Recommended Thermostat Temperatures Shock the Internet

Recommended Thermostat Temperatures Shock the Internet

Manually adjustable thermostat on the wall

Photo: scukrov/Depositphotos

Much of the continental United States is currently under a heat advisory due to rising summer temperatures. In response to this, the U.S. government recently issued guidelines for what temperatures people should keep their thermostat on during the summer, recommending 78°F when you’re at home, 85°F when you’re away, and 82°F when you are at home. I sleep. However, these suggestions have sparked a lot of controversy online.

Many people find the proposed settings too high. In response, everyone took to the internet to lament the recommended temperatures and what it would mean to exist in such (literally) heated circumstances. “0% chance that the people who made these recommendations will actually use them at home” said a person on X (formerly Twitter).

Most people agree that high numbers would make homes far too hot, especially for sleeping. A user wondered, “Who among us can sleep at 82 degrees? This is what I need to understand. Another person had even stronger words for the suggested temperatures, saying: “The entire city will be without power if I have to sleep in 82 degrees.

You can read more of these outraged but entertaining responses below.

The U.S. government recently released recommendations for home thermostat temperatures for the summer. However, many people believe the suggested temperatures are too high and have spoken out online.

Some have questioned the sleeping temperature recommendations of 82°F.

Others pointed out that these suggestions might work in some parts of the United States, but certainly not in the hottest states.

Some people have put forward theories about a “high heat” conspiracy.

Others were simply flabbergasted and chose to express their shock in all caps.

h/t: (BuzzFeed)

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