
The silence on Gaza during the general elections was deafening

The silence on Gaza during the general elections was deafening

During this election you may have heard talk of a ‘conspiracy of silence’ between the Westminster parties.

This conspiracy refers to attempts by the Conservatives and Labor to avoid admitting the £18 billion in public spending cuts they both plan, as well as their silence when it comes to Brexit and the damage it continues to inflict.

However, there has been a third wall of silence that the Westminster parties have erected during this campaign.

And it is their deafening silence when it comes to the conflict in Gaza.

We talk about it little or not at all, and we can’t help but think it’s deliberate.

Since the horrific Hamas attacks on October 7 last year and the following eight months of collective punishment of the Palestinian people in Gaza by Netanyahu’s Israeli government, the response from Westminster has been shamefully slow.

Despite the deliberate slaughter of innocent people in Gaza being broadcast live on television day after day, it took months for the Conservative government and the Labor Party to find the moral courage to call for a ceasefire.