
‘Safe in the Sun’ Message Reaches Outdoor Construction Workers

‘Safe in the Sun’ Message Reaches Outdoor Construction Workers


A NEW study has found that awareness campaigns about the dangers of working outdoors during the summer months help get the safety message across.

A survey of roofing professionals was conducted by Marley to mark the launch of the company’s annual ‘Safe in the Sun’ campaign.

The results show that most contractors (81%) are “extremely aware” of the dangers of working outdoors in hot weather, and many are able to recognise common signs associated with the onset of dangerous conditions such as heat stroke.

A select group of contractors took part in the survey and more than four-fifths felt they could recognise the important signs and symptoms of heatstroke, including fatigue, dizziness, vomiting, excessive sweating and paleness and clammy skin.

The majority of respondents were largely knowledgeable about how to counter the possibility of threatening illnesses such as heatstroke. 85% said wearing loose, light-colored, lightweight clothing would help, along with applying sun protection to the skin (79%), taking regular breaks in the shade (74%), and drinking plenty of fluids (38%).

68% of those surveyed said their employers communicated with them regularly on the subject. However, almost a fifth (18%) said the issue had never been addressed in their workplace, highlighting that work remains to be done to keep outdoor workers safe.

Marley continues to reinforce the message that all roofing and outdoor construction workers must proactively protect themselves from heat-related conditions such as heatstroke and sunburn.

The company is offering a limited number of branded t-shirts as well as a branded cooling towel.

Annabelle Brayford, head of safety, health and environment at Marley Group, said: “At this time of health concern, it is more important than ever to take outdoor working conditions seriously. Climate change means summers will get hotter, and we encourage outdoor workers to protect themselves by taking a few simple steps and ensure they can continue to work safely.

“Our survey is welcome reading as many workers and employers are taking care to protect themselves and their staff, but we must continue to remind everyone who may be at risk. We are committed to supporting the construction sector so that workers are fully aware of the risks and the simple steps they can take to mitigate them.