
Fluid Framework 2 is now production ready

Fluid Framework 2 is now production ready

Fluid Framework 2, Microsoft’s development platform for collaborative ways of working with documents, is now production-ready, according to Microsoft.

Fluid Framework is a client/server technology stack that can be used for real-time collaboration. The framework provides developers with data structures that Fluid automatically keeps in sync across clients. Microsoft says Fluid handles the complexity of merging changes from multiple clients and is supported by Microsoft’s Office applications, including Outlook and Office 365.

Fluid Framework 2 is now production ready

Key enhancements in Fluid Framework 2 include support for the SharedTree distributed data structure (DDS); support for SharePoint Embedded; Fluid DevTools, a browser extension for developers writing and debugging Fluid applications; and support for Typed Telemetry and App Insights.

The SharedTree DDS has a programming interface for working with data and supports a reasonable set of data types, including primitives, objects, arrays, and maps. It can be used to model collaborative data, and in addition to including standard data manipulation operations (add, delete, update, move), it also includes options for undo and redo, transactions, and events.

SharedTree is designed to use the same patterns that developers use when working with local data structures such as an object model, but the data can be modified remotely and is synchronized by the Fluid Framework. Microsoft says SharedTree includes sophisticated merge semantics for working with arrays and supports features such as atomic move operations that greatly simplify working with collaborative data.

Fluid Framework also supports SharePoint Embedded service as well as Azure Fluid Relay support. SharedPoint Embedded allows end users to collaborate on content stored in their organization’s Microsoft 365 tenant.

The production release also ships with Fluid Developer Tools, a browser extension for writing and debugging Fluid applications. Fluid Developer Tools provides container health insights and data visualization, as well as the ability to change container health for offline testing and reconnection. It also displays audience membership, permissions, and join/leave logs, framework event logs, and telemetry graphs to show performance.

This release also includes a fluid telemetry package that comes with typed telemetry events that can be used in analysis tools.

Fluid Framework 2 is available now.

Fluid Framework 2 is now production ready

More information

Fluid frame

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