
Washington DC employee caught having sex at work, filmed on work phone

Washington DC employee caught having sex at work, filmed on work phone

The Public Service Commission, an otherwise sleepy agency that regulates Washington’s gas and electric utilities, rarely makes headlines. But for the past few months, the PSC has been hiding a sexy secret. A former PSC chief was caught having sex with a co-worker on the job and filming the incident on his work phone, the city’s Ethics and Government Accountability Council discovered in May.

Udeozo Ogbueuntil recently head of the agency’s Office of Compliance and Enforcement, admitted to the risky behavior in a settlement agreement with BEGA released May 2. He agreed to pay a $10,000 fine in lieu of pursuing a full hearing in the case, easily one of the stiffest penalties imposed by the ethics agency in recent years. (The only former Ward 2 councilman Jack Evans (He managed to get a higher total, earning a combined $55,000 in fines from his various scandals.)