
Expocacer announces a production line for the classification of specialty coffee

Expocacer announces a production line for the classification of specialty coffee

Coffee cultivation in Brazil, particularly in the Cerrado Mineiro region, is known for its sustainable techniques and innovative production systems. Technology is used throughout the coffee chain, from production to consumption, and helps improve the quality of coffee beans, increase exports and diversify the market. The Cerrado Coffee Producers Cooperative (Expocacer) is launching an industrial production line exclusively for the classification of specialty coffee, with a focus on meticulous bean quality, in small volumes of up to 3,600 kg per hour.

“The machine is 100% automated, with 108 bean classification path options. This automation system allows for KPI (production and maintenance control indices) control, as well as having an artificial intelligence sensor to control predictive maintenance. It has been designed to work with high-quality coffee, in a more selective way, aiming for higher yields, better selection and classification of beans,” said Célio Barreto, Expocacer’s Head of Innovation and Technology.

Expocacer’s machinery park, located in storage units I and II, has 4 coffee classification production lines capable of producing up to 500 bags of 60 kg per hour, equivalent to 30,000 kg/h.

The avant-garde cooperative has also worked with artificial intelligence sensors for predictive prevention. The sensors monitor the vibrations and temperature of the machines in real time, informing producers where and when to perform predictive maintenance without affecting the production rate. This technology has reduced maintenance costs by 20% and increased machine availability by 10%.

Today, Expocacer’s warehouses are moving towards the excellence of Industry 4.0, which means industrial automation and the integration of different technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), automation and robotics, IoT (Internet of Things) and cloud computing, with the aim of promoting the decentralization of human action in production processes, using automation and technology to connect the entire operation, speeding up processes and increasing productivity. These systems integrate intelligence into machines, thus optimizing and automating production, allowing the generation of information and connecting the different stages of our value chain.

“Thanks to the transformational impact of AI and ‘digital twin’ technologies, our industry is becoming increasingly autonomous, with a new workflow that uses virtual simulation of the operation as a reference and allows us to test new configurations and identify new processes using IoT on each machine in the production line. The application of these technologies allows us to reduce the cycle time of the operation, optimizing spaces, processes and operational efficiency without costly physical changes,” explained Flávia Madureira, Director of Operations and Logistics at Expocacer.

By integrating innovations into coffee production processes, coffee producers can also meet consumer demands for transparency and sustainability in the supply chain. Technology can be allied with the producer and the coffee industry at different stages such as growing and harvesting, post-harvest, monitoring, quality control, traceability, automation and buyer experience evaluation.

Coffee farmers are also using these technologies on their properties, such as smart irrigation, which consists of soil moisture sensors and weather stations used to monitor environmental conditions and control the irrigation system accurately and efficiently. Machine learning algorithms are also applied to optimize water usage, ensuring that plants receive the right amount of water at the right time.

In Cerrado Mineiro, systems are also used for automatic grain selection and classification, data management, mechanized harvesting, fertigation and precise nutrition, among others.

“We always seek to offer producers and consumers the best and latest production techniques, always associated with sustainability. The future is fertile ground for innovation and creativity,” concludes Célio Barreto.

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