
Meet Fume: An AI-Powered SWE Software Platform That Fixes Bugs in Slack

Meet Fume: An AI-Powered SWE Software Platform That Fixes Bugs in Slack

Meet Fume: An AI-Powered SWE Software Platform That Fixes Bugs in Slack

Complex tasks are common in software development. The quality of the user experience suffers as engineers procrastinate on tasks. However, completing them every year costs companies a lot of money.

Meet Smoke, an AI startup that can solve complex problems, including monitoring errors, bugs, and feature requests. Fume reassures you with its rapid response to user bug reports within minutes of tagging them in Slack. The goal of this program is to automate complex and repetitive coding operations, giving you a reliable and efficient solution for software development.

Using tasks provided in task tracking software like Jira or Linear, Fume’s unique AI software developer can autonomously issue pull requests (PRs). Additionally, the AI ​​agent can automatically implement code review comments in about 5 minutes, helping you improve software development productivity. To help teams ship high-quality code faster, Fume supports multi-file updates across entire codebases from Slack, VSCode, and GitHub with a single request. For easy integration into pre-existing processes, the company also offers a GitHub app.

Data Protection and Privacy

According to their documents, privacy and security are paramount to Fume. Instead of storing a human-readable version of a user’s coding, the organization maintains vector embeddings. This method keeps the code private and ensures that the information users gain from working with a codebase won’t be shared with others. Fume also offers an on-premises virtual private cloud (VPC) option to help teams with sensitive data better protect their development environments.

Coordinate and harmonize

Currently supported integrations include Slack, GitHub, GitLab, any IDE, and Linear. Fume also plans to support Notion, Confluence, Discord, Jira, and Notion soon. With Fume’s broad compatibility, teams can integrate it into their current workflows, increasing productivity without requiring major configuration changes.

To summarize

Fume’s integration with Slack and automation of complex coding tasks is a game changer that can help development teams work more efficiently. Improving the accuracy of problem solving and increasing integrations with other well-known development tools and platforms should be prioritized for good product-market fit. A strong marketing campaign that caters to both large and small businesses could also increase its value.

Dhanshree Shenwai is a Software Engineer with a good background in FinTech companies spanning Finance, Cards & Payments and Banking with a keen interest in AI applications. She is enthusiastic about exploring new technologies and advancements in today’s evolving world, making everyone’s life easier.

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