
Kevin Smith Reveals EVIL DEAD-Inspired Prop From His New Movie JAY & SILENT BOB — GeekTyrant

Kevin Smith Reveals EVIL DEAD-Inspired Prop From His New Movie JAY & SILENT BOB — GeekTyrant

Kevin Smith recently shared a photo of an accessory from his upcoming Jay and Silent Bob film. As you will see, the accessory is heavily inspired by the Necronomicon of Sam Raimi‘s Badly dead.

The photo was accompanied by a note that described what it was. It read: “This is the NecronomiKev – The Book of Dead Film Careers! I’m kidding (sort of). It’s actually called The NecroBobicon!”

“I asked (Nick Brown) (@thetomsavini grad) to dig up this ancient evil tome that appears in @jayandsilentbob @jaymewes new movie and I start filming later this year.

“The NecroBobicon doesn’t swallow your soul – but legend has it that misuse of the book will leave the reader silent forever…”

It’s a lot of fun and it will be interesting to see how it fits into the story Smith is trying to tell.

Smith had previously spoken about the project, saying, “I’m writing another Jay and Silent Bob movie. Honestly, I didn’t think I would do it because… we were planning on doing the third Jay and Silent Bob movie when Jay’s daughter Logan was 18, and she could play Harley’s daughter in the movie.

“Harley played Jay’s daughter in Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, so Logan was going to play Jay’s granddaughter, and we thought it would be a disaster. But Mewes was like, ‘So I have to wait ten years to do another movie?’ So I was like, ‘I guess you’re right,’ so I started thinking about this thing and I started writing it, and I love it.

“I write it the same way I wrote Red State… any time I know where the movie is going, that means the audience knows where the movie is going, and since it’s a Jay and Silent Bob movie, and… I don’t know, the 18th… the audience probably knows where a lot of the movie is going.

“Every time I feel like that, I turn it around and write something completely different. Every time I know what the punchline is, I force myself to find another one to counter it and all that. So I use it as an exercise to sharpen my comedic knives, if you will.”

We don’t know when Jay and Silent Bob 3 will begin production or when it will be released. Smith’s next film is The 4:30 film and it will be released later this year.