
Adam Scott’s severance package was inspired by a real-life nightmare that nearly every employee in corporate America faces

Adam Scott’s severance package was inspired by a real-life nightmare that nearly every employee in corporate America faces

Adam Scott’s dystopian drama thriller Breakup is completely understandable for anyone who has ever navigated the complexities of corporate life. The series stars Adam Scott as Mark, an employee working at a biotech company called Lumon Industries. Here, employees must go through a process called termination, which splits their professional and personal lives into two estranged halves. As Mark’s story progresses, he begins to unravel the company’s sinister plans.

Adam Scott in Severance || Apple TV+

This mind-blowing series is inspired by the life of the series creator, Dan Erikson himself, and his desire to break away from the monotony of a 9-to-5 job. Moreover, it exacerbates the nightmare that most professionals in the job market can relate to.

Adam Scott Breakup resonates with all employees of the company

After a major cliffhanger in the season 1 finale, fans are eagerly waiting for season 2 to see the progression of Mark’s story, played by Adam Scott. This anticipation is understandable given that this story sticks to almost every corporate employee going through the same monotonous life. While the concept of the series has been appreciated by many, it was the creator himself who came up with the idea based on his own difficult days at the office.

Adam Scott in Severance || Apple TV+

In an interview with Squire In 2022, Dan Erikson opened up about how his office life shaped the show’s storyline. He recalled that he was faced with a stark difference when he came to Los Angeles after finishing graduate school in New York.

The difference was that in New York he was surrounded by a very stimulating and creative environment. In Los Angeles, on the other hand, he had a temporary job, which made him feel unimportant. He added:

I didn’t matter, I was just working in temporary offices. I thought a lot about who I wanted to be and what career I wanted to have.

Erikson added that the difficult period was further intensified when he was also dealing with a five-year breakup. So his office life became both a constant source of resentment for not moving forward in life and a good escape.

He also adds that when a person is going through a complicated situation, it is enough to turn off his brain for eight hours and enter data into the computer.

Adam Scott feels a personal connection to his Breakup character Mark

The show Breakup It can mean different things to different people. But for Adam Scott, it had a rather emotional element that cemented a deep bond between him and his character, Mark. In the series, Mark goes through the process of separation to overcome the grief caused by the death of his wife.

Adam Scott in Severance || Apple TV+

Scott has had to deal with the same emotional upheaval, given that his mother passed away during the pandemic. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporterhe added:

My mother had passed away early in the pandemic, and I had stayed home with my wife and children, which cushioned the blow somewhat.

Scott went on to say that he was able to control his emotions at home. However, he realized that he had a lot of grieving and reflection to do once he arrived alone in New York. Therefore, the exhibition was more than just an ordinary work for him; it was a representation of his real life.

It served as a channel through which he could explore and understand his feelings, on and off set.

You can stream Adam Scott Breakup Season 1 on Apple TV+. Season 2 is scheduled for release on January 17, 2025.